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"Ginger! Go! Hurry!"

I really hate to turn my back on him. Why? Well that's a long story...

One time I am alone I blow it, I thought.

"Jessie!" I yelled at the empty hallway.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around, but I didn't see anyone.

God, I hate her. How did I get stuck babysitting her anyway? I thought these words over and over again as I checked all the rooms...again.

 Just as I entered the dining room I smelled something cooking in the kitchen. I knew there was no one in the house that was not me or Jessie. I ran right through the doors and stopped because I couldn't see anyone. I smelled roast beef...from the dining room.

As I ran to the other room I thought that I smelled the same smell just a few seconds ago.


I ran to get the door. I prayed for it to be Jessie or her parents. I opened the door. It was better. It was Neil.

He shrugged. "Thought you could use some help. Even," Neil said putting on a daring smile. "I am her brother."

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