CHAPTER 1: Last Day Of School!

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Mere walks out the classroom as she hears the bell. She gets hit but all the running students behind her, being excited for summer. As usual, Mere walks to their "secret place", when I mean their, I mean Mere and Tealn, Mere's BESTfriend since 1st grade. They always meet in their "secret place" AKA the parking lot, to disscuss LOTS of things! They talk about the fun things they're gonna do in summer! This is probably the most amazing summer of theirs, cause they're going to MALDIVES! How fun is that!? Mere and Tealn's mom planned it out as a surprise, but then Mere and Tealn hears about them talking about it, so, it's technically not a surprise anymore..

(author's note)
heyyy, everybody! this is kinda like an "intro" cause i dint want the intro to be on 1 seperate page cause it will be too short and boring 😛 about the characters,,, some of you might have guessed it right, YES! i based the names on Meredith Foster and Teala Dunn! 😂 (if you dont know them, they are YouTubers 😍)
but yaaa goodbyeee x

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