The Begining

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Emmanuel sat in the stands, tears streaming down his face in an obvious picture of a broken hearted fiancé. Alastair sat in the front, hands cuffed and chained around is waist another chain leading down to his cuffed feet. He was in an all white suit with a blue tie, winking at Emmanuel when he came into the room to show the tie was for him.

"All rise the honorable Judge Jody Mills presiding," the bailiff called out.

As everyone stood to greet the judge and sit back down, the door then swung open for a late arrival. Emmanuel looked back at the door as Gabriel came sauntering in like he owned the place and take a seat right next to him, the smirk prominent on his face that Emmanuel couldn't help but to share a little smirk of his own.

"The Defense would like to call to the stand their first witness, Meg Masters."

As the hearing went on, Emmanuel became visibly more and more upset with every detail of the gruesome murder being discussed that his fiancé was charged with. When he finally took the stands he could barely breath and his face was red and blotchy from the salt in his tears.

"Please, state your name for the court." Sam Winchester the State Attorney said calmly to him.

"Emmanuel Shurley," he hiccupped out between sobs.

"Can you please spell that for us?" Sam asked, Emmanuel spelled his name out, "Will you please tell the court what your relationship to the defendant?"

"He is my fiancé."

"Can you tell us about the night in question?"

Emmanuel shared a small unreadable look in his eyes with his brother before turning back to Sam to tell his story.

"It was a special day, the day he proposed. We spent all day together....."


6 months and 3 weeks earlier.


"Hey babe," Alistair said as he came through the door. "I'm off work early tonight. I thought I'd help with dinner."

It wasn't rare that Alastair came home from work as a Mechanic at Singer Salvage early. He would sometimes come home late, others early, Emmanuel never knew which to suspect, he would just always have dinner ready by seven and if Alastair was home they'd eat together, if he wasn't then his dinner would sit in the oven to stay warm. Emmanuel himself more or less a housewife, he came from money and never has worked day in his life, he wasn't planning on starting any time soon either. All he did, that Alastair knew of, was keep is bee's, cooking, and cleaning. After a year together, and living together for the majority of that time, Alastair still had no idea what his boyfriend did for fun or how his family was so rich, he never asked either.

"Dean finished my car while I was at a late lunch, he gave me explicit instructions to 'go home to my supremely sexy and way out of my league boyfriend and fuck him senseless for me'. I'm just going out on a limb here, but I think that Dean has a bit of a crush on you."

Emmanuel smirks to himself before wiping his hands on his apron around his waist and switching his hips as he walked towards Alastair, "Can you blame him? Look at this hot ass, everyone wants a piece."

"But only I get a taste." Alastair said before stepping forward and kissing Emmanuel, smothering the quiet "Sure Baby." with his tongue.


As Emmanuel went back to fixing dinner, he got lost in the thought of when he had first met Dean. He and Alastair had been dating for a few months already and Emmanuel wanted to take it to the next step. He had surprised Alastair at work with a homemade meal of his favorite sandwich and homemade chips.

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