Glaive To Glory (Part 1)

22 3 7

Bear with me: This was meant to be a poem but turned into a short story/poem 


As pain sears through my side,

Blood trickles through the crevices of the bronze armour

Red drops on to the battlefield

Where bodies of ally and foe lie

From the dirt, to the they say

The steel forged glaive in my right hand grins back at me

Her teeth blood-red

Even so with an unrelenting thirst

She craves for more...perhaps I do too

As I grip the blessed wood the pain disappears

The death infested land goes with it

The glaive swings forward and my arm follows

Her metal blade knocks the head armour off a poor soul's head

Shear force breaks his neck

Another one for mother earth

Midswing. I see two attackers

Without thought, and as Brokeneck falls to his knees

She swings back, the pole still holding on to my sword-hand

At times like this she took over me

Possessed me, she did

A blessed glaive, she was

With countless casualties to her name

The sacred blade pierces through the first's armour dissecting his upper chest

Another one to the count

The other lunges toward me two daggers equipped

Planting the pole in the ground I dodge the attack by a whisker

His daggers scrape the surfaces of the bronze on me

As I land he is already on the second attack

He is fast!

But so is she

Gripping the glaive double-handedly I shift my weight forward

Thrusting the slightly curved blade in for the kill

He flies over the long weapon with ease

He is adept!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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