The Prophecy

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"It is the prophecy that protect this village and gives our people hope. You are to be sent away to master your gift of elemental bending. When you are ready, you will return and defeat the evil that rules this island... Pan. We will miss you, but I have no doubt that you will do amazing things." I nodded with tears flooding from my eyes, I didn't want to go, but I needed to protect my people. At least, that's what I'm told, I'm only three.

My father hugged me followed by my mother before I got on the giant eagle with my trainer master Yen. I waved goodbye and watched as my village on Neverland became smaller and smaller as we flew away. My trainer looked down at me and smiled.

"Everything will be ok in time. You can use this sadness to strengthen your powers. One day you will be ready to return and you will defeat Pan. The torment of your people will be over and you can be with them once again." I nodded and watched off the side of the eagle as we flew. 

                                                                                 --- 15 Years Later --

I was meditating in the temple sanctuary when a messanger quickly ran up the stairs. He approached me, out of breath, and handed me a letter. I thanked him, then opened the letter. It read:

Dear Reyna,

I regret to inform you that the attacks on the island have grown much worse. Pan ordered his lost boys to take our young men. I don't know what he did to them, but he has them locked away somewhere. All of our villagers are too afraid to go find them. He also lit our village on fire and took our supplies. We are growing weaker and cannot defend ourselves. I pray you are nearing the completion of your training so you can return and save us.

Your loving father,

Chief Boarheart. 

I read the letter and was immediately distressed. I stood up and, as calmly as I could, made my way to master Yen's quarters. I stood in the doorway until he sensed my presence, then he gave me permission to enter. I walked in and approached his meditation spot.

"I sense you are distressed my young pupil."

"Yes master, I received a letter from my father. Pan has taken the young men of our village. He has also stolen their supplies and lit the village on fire. I don't know if I am ready, but I must try and stop this Pan before things grow worse." He stood up, but remained in the same spot.

"You are ready to fight Pan. This scroll will tell you the rest of what you need to know about Pan to defeat him. Pack your things and return home, it is time to fulfill your destiny." I bowed and accepted the scroll. When it was in my hands, I made my way to my quarters and packed what few things I needed to get home. I flew to my old village and arrived by the next morning. 

When I landed I greeted my father, but noticed the village looked fine. Our young men were still present, or at least it looked like it.

"My daughter, you have returned to us." I smiled and embraced my parents.

"Yes, it is nice to finally return, but everything looks fine. The village isn't scorched and it looks like the young men are still present. I sense you have not been honest with me." He looked nervously at me.

"Our people missed you and wanted you home. Has master Yen said you were ready?" I nodded.

"Yes, the rest of what I need to know is in this scroll." I held up the scroll to show him, but I didn't let him touch it. 

"Wonderful, you can worry about him later. You must be hungry and tired from your journey. Tonight we will throw a feast in your honor." I smiled, then went to my old tent. It was still in the same spot and hadn't been touched for fifteen years. I sat on my bear rug and opened the scroll. I stared at it in confusion as It only said that I needed to talk to Pan. In order to defeat him I need to talk to him? How does that make any sense?  I thought it was weird, but I guess master Yen has never steered me wrong before. I put my cloak on and snuck away from the village to find Pan. 

I knew he hid in the forest, so I began my search there. As I walked down the path that was already set, I accidentally stepped in a rope trap. I was now hovering the ground about thirty feet up by my legs. I bent my body upwards and burned the ropes with my fire powers. When the ropes released me I used my air bending powers to provide for a soft landing. As I landed I heard clapping coming from a bush as a young man stepped out.

"No one has ever escaped one of my traps, very well done. You've passed my test." I gave him a confused look, then removed my hood from my head.

"What test? I came here to find Pan, how could you possibly know that I would come?"

"Because I'm Pan." He bowed. "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'm not here to make friends Pan, I only want to know how to defeat you. Why would my master tell me to talk to you? You must know or he wouldn't have told me to come." He chuckled.

"Ah yes, master Yen. He also taught me you know." I shook my head.

"Doubtful, he taught me honor and respect. The only thing you seem to know is how to torment my people." 

"Look princess, I think you need to hear the full story before you start accusing me of things I do and do not have." I stood there impatiently waiting for his explanation. "When I trained with master Yen, it wasn't to destroy your village. It was to one day protect you." I nearly choked.

"And why would I need you to protect me, I'm more powerful than you will ever be." He furrowed his eye brows.

"Really? Are you "powerful" enough to defend yourself against the biggest threat you will ever know? And I'm not talking about me. Did master Yen ever tell you what really happened?" I was confused again and honestly he wasn't helping me at all.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, chief Boar Heart isn't actually your father. He is your biggest threat and he's only using you to get rid of me because he knows your the only one who can defeat me."

"Your lying, my father would never use me."

"No, he wouldn't, but your father hasn't seen you since you were born. Chief Boar heart kidnapped you as an infant. He knew you were the last elemental bender and needed you to defeat me. Your real parents live in StoryBrooke, but they brought you here when you were born. When you were taken and they couldn't find you, they left because they couldn't possibly bear not seeing you. Chief Boar heart is actually a powerful sorcerer who will do anything to gain power and glory." 

"And why should I listen to you? I'm supposed to kill you."

"Maybe you should go talk to "daddy"? You might be surprised, and if you don't believe me after that we can fight to the death or whatever." 

"Fine, but you can't possibly be right. I will see you tomorrow at dawn." He nodded.

"Ok, see you then princess." I used my power to control nature to wrap him in vines and elevate him.

"Don't call me princess." He stood there, unamused by my powers. I hadn't realized a black vine was wrapped around my leg, but it tripped me and caused me to lose my focus. Pan laughed as he removed the vines from around himself.

"Just remember, I am more powerful than you think." 

The Element of SurpriseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora