⚣ IV

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... continued ( Enjoy the video )

20. Where the world is mine

A gay teen uses a love potion to turn close-minded townspeople into homosexuals, including the handsome jock with whom he is secretly in love.

19. Jagger& Yossi

Jagger is the outgoing unit leader of an Israeli Defense Force squad stationed on the Lebanese border; Yossi. is his commanding officer. A contemplative soldier, Yossi is starting to buckle under the burden of his secret homosexuality. Jagger and Yossi explore their growing feelings for one another under the suspicious eyes of their fellow soldiers. Their colonel brings news of an impending attack, which tests the bond between the two lovers.

18. The Ten Year Plan (RECOMMENDED!) Available on Netflix

Best friends make a pact to be together in a decade if neither finds love. With two months left in their deadline, they both scramble to find someone to avoid being each other's last resort.

17. Is It Just Me

Blaine meets Mr. Right in an online chat room but realizes that he was using the wrong profile.

16. Timeout

A beatific stranger played by Terence Stamp arrives in a rich Milanese household, and soon his presence is setting hormones a-flutter. Before long the enigmatic man has seduced the teen daughter and her brother, their mother, and father – even the maid. Lives will never be the same, but for better or for worse?

15. Happy Together

Lai and his boyfriend, Ho arrive in Argentina from Hong Kong, seeking a better life. Their highly contentious relationship turns abusive and results in numerous break-ups and reconciliations. When Lai befriends another man, he sees the futility of continuing with the promiscuous Ho. Chang, however, is on his own personal journey and, ultimately, both Lai and Ho find themselves far from home and desperately lonely.


An unusual ghost story set on the Peruvian seaside; a married fisherman struggles to reconcile his devotion to his male lover within his town's rigid traditions

13. The Broken Hearts Club:

A fresh, funny, real story about a group of gay men in Hollywood, their lovers and friends, and the often hilarious, occasionally poignant space in between - that is if they can get any space at all. As they make their ways in the world with and without each other, they are suddenly faced with an unexpected tragedy. The group finds comfort the only way they ever have- together.

12. Rag Tag

Two male childhood friends become lovers as adults.

11. Touch of pink

Alim is a gay man living in London to escape the domineering eye of his conservative Muslim mother, Nuru back in Canada. Alim keeps his homosexuality secret from his mother, so when she comes for a surprise visit, he and his boyfriend, Giles must put on a straight facade to hide the truth. Throughout all this turmoil, Alim imagines himself talking to the spirit of Cary Grant as a means of coping with the stress.

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