meeting V

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Viviane DaQueen was a strange girl, long curly blonde hair with streaks of purple dyed everywhere held up in a bun that looked so complex, girls would normally do their hair like that for prom. She mostly went by V, or sometimes DaQueen, as she was the queen of most things she tried and made a hobby of. 

She specialized in drag-racing, and mechanics, sometimes taking up jobs for people who wanted to hire her to create a desired trinket or to fix a part on a car. She was unique, she liked to wear overalls and beat up old vans with a yellow bandanna tucked in her back pocket when she was working. 

Yet you could regularly find her wearing an old rock t-shirt with ripped jeans and her same blue and grey flannel that had plenty of wrinkles. She made the homeless rocker facade look, relaxed and fashionable. If V wasn't working on a carburetor in her garage under the old art studio, you could normally find her painting or watching the Breakfast Club. She was defiantly old school.

When I first saw V, I was descending the stairs with a fellow employer, I was the Italian Mafia boss, the second strongest under Mr. Banner who held America at first. Mr. Banner was V's uncle, his sister was her mother. I had just gotten done with a meeting that included myself and other Bosses of different countries.

 I only heard about V when Mr. Banner would get calls from her during meetings, he would remind her of his meeting, but never seem angry or scold her. He always seemed happy when he saw her name on the screen and would instantly take the call, even if another was in the middle of his speech.

I watched with curiosity at the bottom of the stairs, I was curious as to who she was- she sat cross legged on top of the  coffee table eating a package of Ritz crackers. I seemed to be the only one who was not shocked by her attire or how she carried herself as others started to leave the building after telling each other good bye. Nonetheless the moment she saw Mr. Banner and he saw her, they embraced each other with warm smiles on their faces. It was a different Mr. Banner than whom I met just last month, no warm smiles ever showed on his face neither was physical touched ever accepted by anyone except to shake hands. 

They chatted for a few minutes before Mr. Banner motioned to me. Her gaze caught mine and I was rooted to my spot, one of her eyes was a bright green and the other was a shimmering blue. The call of my name from Mr. Banner took me out of my daze, I straightened myself before walking over to the two.

"And this is Mr. Rossellini, the strongest mafia boss in Italy." He pronounced each word with a sense of respect for which I was grateful.

"And Mr. Rossellini this is my niece- "

"V, call me V." She cut him off, but he didn't seem to care, he simply smiled and pinched her side making her giggle. I remember looking at her with surprise, nobody cut off Mr. Banner without him becoming somewhat enraged and his assistant reminding him of his heart. If it wasn't you getting reprimanded it was quite amusing to watch the man cower in fear under Mr. Banners gaze.

"Ciao Signorina V." I held out my hand and watched as she revealed a grease stained hand from her pocket, I didn't care though her accent got more of my attention. This woman was stealing all of curiosity by the minute.

"What accent is that?" I leaned closer to her as Mr. Banner watched us closely.

"Foreign," she replied. And I knew then, that this woman was something else, someone not caring about money or what you wore. I wanted her to be mine.

Okay, so this is my first story that I've actually spent time on so🤞🤞. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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