The Friend Zone

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Colton's POV


Senior year has been amazing so far. I have the greatest friends, good grades, and the best parents. I was currently sitting at lunch with my friends.

My longtime best friend, Ivy, was sitting to the left of me as she joked across the table with one of her friends, Emily. Man, I love this girl. We have been through so much with each other and I can never thank her enough for being in my life. Ever since she moved in next door in kindergarten we have been best friends ever since.

To my right was my other best friend, Beau. We met each other in the sixth grade when I hurled a football at his head on accident. I apologized and said we could play video games to make it up. And here we are now...

Next to Beau was his new fling of the week, I think her name was Jackie or something. Every time I hear that name all I can think of is, "Well damn, Jackie! I can't control the weather!" I joke about it all the time with him.

The problem?

To the left of Ivy was sitting her boyfriend, Luke. Yes. Boyfriend. I've been in love with this girl since I was like five. She was my first kiss, and I was hers. I remember that night exactly. We were at Beau's 13th birthday party and of course, we were doing what any kid would do at that age. We were playing truth or dare. Beau dared me to kiss her and ever since then all I wanted to do was kiss her again. To be fair, Beau and I planned before the party so I could kiss her. It was all rehearsed.

It all changed this past summer though. She met Luke at a party I, yes, I, took her to. He plays lacrosse and is a total douchebag in my eyes. But, I may just be jealous. They've only been dating for a few months now and it has slowly been killing me.

All of my friends know I've liked her since day one, except her of course. Like I don't think I've ever seen someone so blind! I've dropped so many damn hints to her but she just laughs it off.

I attended SoHo High School. Did I mention I played football? I was the quarterback of the team.

The problem?

My father was the coach. Sure, everyone loves to have a retired NFL player as our coach, but it sucks. My dad is always expecting 110% percent to come out of me every practice. I just feel like I can't live up to his greatness. We are two different people and he acts like we are the same. My dad does do extra practice to help me with any problems I have. Which is a great thing, but sometimes it causes trouble.

A tap on my shoulder brings me out of my thoughts, "Hey, you coming?" Ivy asks. I nod, grabbing my bag and standing up. How long was I out? "About five minutes." She answers. Oh, did I say that out loud?

I begin to walk to class, with her by my side. We had been lucky enough to share the same next class, which was Economics, so I got to walk her to it every day. The highlight of my day. Wait. No. The highlight of my day was getting to pick her up and take her home after school, I mean we were neighbors after all.

She would stay after school for Cheer and I would stay after for football. We finished at the same time so it was only right that I would take her home. I feel like we are the same person in a different gender.

"You okay Cole? You're quiet today." She comments as we take our spots in the back corner of the class.

I nod, "I'm just thinking."


I smirk, "You." See, there I go dropping another hint.

She smacks my arm, "Colton! I'm serious. I'm worried."

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