The Response

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I woke up the next morning still extremely pissed off. I hesitated before I picked up my phone, had she called? As I am about to click the home button, an incoming call comes through.

From her.

I slowly side my finger across the screen to answer, I take a deep breath before saying, "What the fuck Ivy!"

"Colton, oh my God. I am so sorry. They took my phone and I couldn't find it all night and-."

I cut her off, "You couldn't find your phone so you went to a party?"

"They made me!" She responded.

"They made you go to a party?" I snorted, "You're almost eighteen and you're letting other people make decisions for you? Nice."

"Colton, you know how Claire and Emily are!"

I sighed, "I know. I'm sorry. I was just really fucking worried about you, Ives."

I could hear her breath get caught in her throat, was she going to cry? "I know Colton. I'm so sorry. I knew I should have tried harder to contact you. I just-." She paused, "I don't have an excuse."

"It's fine Ivy. Just please next time, let me fucking know."

"I will Colton. Now tell me about your trip." I began to tell her all about how beautiful California is and how boring the reunion was. I also had a slip-up. I told her I smoked.

"Colton! Why would you do that? You know you are still in football. What if you get drug tested?"

I cut her off, "Ives, baby, calm down. It's fine. I was just in a really shape last night okay? I'm good."

She sighed on the other side of the line, "Okay. Well, I'll see you when you get home later tonight. I'm gonna do some homework."

"Alright, I love you," I tell her.

"I love you too. Bye." She ends the call and I lay back down on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

I need to stop overreacting and acting so overprotective of her. Everyone knows she's mine. I should let her have fun. I just don't want her to get hurt. I hate seeing her upset.

Hours later, I am headed back on a plane to New York. My home. We landed around seven at night, screw the time change. My parents didn't know about the whole Ivy thing or the fact that I smoked. I made sure to tell Emma to shut her trap or there would be a consequence. Not that I would do any harm to her, I love my baby sister.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway I saw the front door to Ivy's house open. Of course, she was there waiting for me. Just like she said. "Hey!" She called out walking up to me and swaying her hips in a sexy way. God, she was gorgeous. She was probably one of the nicest-looking women I have ever seen, definitely passing Megan Fox and Alexis Ren in the looks department. Instead of Hooter's posters hung up on my walls and Calendars of naked women, I had her face surrounding my room.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, picking her up off her feet a little, "Hey baby. Miss me?"

"More than ever," she cooed kissing my jawline.

I heard a gagging noise behind me, "Get a room!" I turned my head to see my sister.

"Fuck off Emma," I mutter flicking her off with my middle finger. Ivy chuckled and led me inside and we both scurried into my room and closed the door.

I smiled at her as she sat on the bed in between my legs. I stared down at her as she looked back at me with the same amount of passion. "You know I need to shower," I tell her, slowly grabbing the hem of my shirt.

Her mouth slowly parted open, "Then shower?"

I pulled the cotton t-shirt over my head, tossed it on my floor, and looked back at her, "You know you probably need to shower too if you're going to spend the night here."

"Hmm, do I?"

I smirked playing with the hem of her blouse, pulling it up just a little to expose her skin. "Might be best if we go together so we can save water."

"I like helping the environment," she told me, running her hands down my arms leaving chills on my body.

I pulled her off the bed so she was standing and began to take her shirt off.

Once all of our clothes were gone, I looked back at her, "Well shall we?"

"We shall."

When we finally got done with our thirty-minute shower, I heard my phone ring on my bed. "Hello?"


"Mom? What's up?"

She groaned into the phone, "Well I've been calling your name for the past ten minutes for dinner. What have you been doing?"

"Oh, I just got out of the shower," I tell her honestly. I turn around to see Ivy's naked ass bent over looking in one of my drawers for something to wear. I had to put my fist in my mouth to prevent myself from saying anything.

She doesn't respond for a minute, "Well you two get your asses down here and eat!"

I didn't say anything as I continued to look at Ivy's beautiful body. "She's about to get in the shower but I'll come down."

"Oh, okay," she drawled out. I hung up the phone and walked over to Ivy who had only put on a pair of lace panties with everything exposed.

"God damn, how are you going to do that to me?"

She looked down at her breasts then back at me and shrugged, "Do what?" She asks innocently.

I pinned her up against the wall holding one of her goods gently in my hands, "You know what? Don't make me make you even sorer."

Her cheeks turned pink and I smirked. Got her. "Well my mom thinks you're taking a shower, so stay up here for a minute and I'm gonna go downstairs."


I kissed her lips and jogged down the stairs to the kitchen to find my family eating at the table. I looked at the stove to see that my mom had cooked dinosaur chicken nuggets and French fries.


"Yes, darling?" She asks.

I eye the pan of nuggets and look back at her, "why are we having Dino nuggets?"

My dad laughs and my mom sighs, "We didn't have anything else to eat. Eat all you want." I shrugged and piled a bunch on my plate and sat down next to my sister and began to chow down on my plate.

We began to talk about our plans for the week and then of course, my father and I began to talk about how we were planning to win the state championship on Friday. Ivy eventually joined us a few minutes later looking flushed as ever, making me wonder what she had been doing up there alone. She joined in on the conversation saying we definitely would have a chance to win state since we did have the best coach around. She's such a kiss ass, I love it.

Introducing IvyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum