My Neighbour is a Vampire: Riley's Story

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When I first met Ginelle, I thought she was an angel.

A grumpy, ill-tempered and very angry angel - but still, an angel. Boy was I wrong.

Some days, I wish I could just turn back time and preventing the entire thing from happening. Save myself from the countless nightmares and sleepless nights. Stop myself from having a mini heart attack whenever I step out into the night.

So what exactly happened you ask? Well, let me explain...

I arrived at my rundown apartment building late at night, glad to be home after a tiring shift at Uncle Cheezy's Pizzeria. I was walking down the hallway towards my apartment door when I noticed her. Carrying a large cardboard box was copper haired girl with pale, flawless skin wearing a black dress. The dress was easily worth several months rent at this dump. I wondered why a person who could afford clothes like that would ever move into a place like this.

She seemed to be having trouble carrying the box.

"Need some help?" I offered, eager to please her. 

I hoped she'd say yes please! but instead she snapped ,"No! Get lost." She struggled with box for a moment before dropping it, "Ugh! Look what you made me do!" she said furiously. I don't know why but I got really upset over that. I had to make it up to her, show her that I only wanted to help.

"Here let me-" I picked up the box and almost staggered under its weight. Seriously, what was in that thing?

"What are you doing? Give it back," she protested, trying to wrench the box from me but I held on tight.

"I'll carry it."

"No way. Let go!"

"Why not?"

I looked up, into her eyes, they were blue. Stunningly blue and they - well, stunned me. For a moment, everything left me. The box fell out of my hands and landed on her foot with a thump. That shook me back to reality.

Uh oh. I was hoping to make a good impression on her but now there was probably a bigger impression on her foot. She glared at me, her beautiful eyes were livid and her lips formed a tight line. Wow. She was so pretty when she's mad.

"Ouch! What is wrong with you?" she yelled, " You wretched fool! You paper skulled son of a-"

"Ginelle, what are you doing?" 

I spun my head around see the man who spoke, "The poor boy was only trying to help. Now behave." He gave her a warning look. The man had a youthful, pale face with swept back chestnut hair that kind of reminded of an actor. He had the same intense blue eyes as Ginelle. 

"Yes father," she muttered.

"Good, now I shall be downstairs getting the rest of our possessions if you need me." He walked off.

Ginelle threw me another dirty look before saying, "Fine. Carry the stupid box if it makes you so happy."

I followed her down the familiar grey corridor, not put off by the heavy burden of the box. We stopped at the end of the corridor where the last door was left ajar. I put the box on the thin carpet, thinking of something cool to say.

"So... I ...uh... live right across the hall. Guess that makes us neighbours." 

She didn't reply but the look on her face told me she couldn't care less.

"Anyway, I haven't introduced my self properly. My name is Riley."

...and she still couldn't care less. I watched as she carried the box inside and slammed the door shut with her foot.

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