Chapter 1

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Alison's POV

Like a bolt of lightning, my best friend Samantha burst into my room, her voice thundering through the air as she bellowed, "ALLY, GET THE HELL UP, RIGHT NOW!" The door burst open with a force that shook the walls, causing me to bolt upright in terror, my heart pounding like a drum.

"What the hell happened Sam? Stop shouting, please let me sleep just for a few more minutes." I tried to ignore her, sinking back into the comforter and the dream I was having about my high school crush. The dream was short-lived as someone snatched the quilt off me, making me shiver as the winter cold air hit my skin.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, ready to murder the person who dared disturb my deep slumber. As soon as my eyes met with Sami hovering over me like an angry mama bear, I changed my mind. I call her that because instead of my best friend, she acts like she is my mother most of the time. This made me smile. Where would I be without her? We have been best friends since kindergarten. As of now, she is the closest thing to a family I have. She's been kind enough to let me stay with her in her apartment while I look for a job.

I lay there for a moment, disoriented and groggy, trying to remember what day it was. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, A JOB! Oh, shoot! – today was the day of my interview! I snapped my eyes open again to a very pissed-off Sami.

"Sam, don't worry - I remembered to set an alarm for my 8 AM interview today," I informed her, even though my heart began to race.

Despite being a deep sleeper, I knew the importance of this job. I didn't want to be a burden on Sami and was determined to find my own apartment. I'm not a freeloader and strongly believe in making an effort to achieve success. I mean, how could I forget to set an alarm for such a special day? In fact, I do remember my phone alarm blaring loudly at 5 AM and I reached over to hit the snooze button, hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep. The clock was ticking, and I was waiting for the snooze to go off any minute now.

Suddenly, Sam's sarcastic tone cut through the air. "Oh, really Al? Are you sure about that? because it's FREACKING 7:45."

I let out a strangled cry, my breath catching in my throat. This couldn't be happening. I fumbled for my phone in the dark, my heart racing as I realized that I had overslept and was already late for my interview.

"SAAMM! What the hell?" I whispered-yelled at her as I saw the time on my phone. It was 7:05. Late, but not THAT late. She always exaggerates stuff. My mind still racing as I tried to figure out how to make up for lost time.

"Now get up, before I drag you off that damn bed myself. You can still make it if you hurry. I've made breakfast - come down in 5 minutes!" She ordered.

"Don't worry, Al. You'll do great." She spoke softly, trying to reassure me. I must have looked like I'd seen a ghost because she gave me a sympathetic smile. I could tell that she really wanted me to get the job.

I leaped out of bed and hurried to the washroom, stumbling a few times along the way. I couldn't believe how careless I had been. This was such an important opportunity, and I couldn't afford to let it slip away. I needed to leave for the bus stop before 7:30. The personal assistant job I was interviewing for could offer me so much. It pays very well, which would allow me to afford my own apartment or help my bestie pay half of her rent. She doesn't want me to leave, and I can see why - her apartment has 2 rooms, a large living room, a study room, and a medium-sized spacious kitchen. Renting a place like that in the Big Apple, the City of Dreams, can be very expensive.

I rushed through the shower, skipping my hair because there wasn't enough time to wash it. Afterwards, I bolted out of the washroom, almost forgetting to wrap the towel around my body. I tend to be forgetful and clumsy when I'm anxious or stressed out. Luckily, I had prepared the documents and clothes that I borrowed from Sam the night before.

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