Chapter One

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“Love is so cold,

My heart is so bold!

Love is so cold!” I sang out into the small city alley I was walking down.

Finally!  Semester tests for my college were done, and I could be free for a week!  That meant a week of partying, drinking, smoking weed, and just relaxing. Then I could go back to my good girl act and keep my GPA up.

Everyone has to let loose sometime, and this was my time to show everyone how much they had underestimated my alcohol intake.  Everyone thought that I was a lightweight.

“Well, I certainly am not a lightweight,” I muttered to myself.

I rounded the corner of the sidewalk, and walked to my dormitories, and unlocked the main door.  It was pretty late, so there was a minimum of two people in the common room as I walked in. They waved and smiled.  I took out my earbuds, and paused my music on my phone. One, which was on my floor, whispered,

“Are you ready for a week of partying, Pine?”

“Hell yeah!” I stage whispered back to him, smiling, “And you’ll see how much alcohol I can drink in a night.  You’ll be knocked right off your feet in shock!”

By that time, I had stopped walking to talk to them.

“Oh?  And maybe I can get a nibble of those lips and see how you taste?” he asked suggestively, eying me up and down.

I snorted, a little to loud on my part.

“In your dreams, Chance.” I said, and gave his head a little push.

I continued to the stairwell, and the two said their goodbyes.  The stairs seemed to go on forever, and they twisted and turned in every which way like a labyrinth.

Just my luck to get stuck in the oldest dorm on campus, I thought to myself.

This building was like a fortress.  You almost had to have a map when you first got moved in.  I remembered imagining getting lost for days with no food or water, and I shuddered at the memory.  I had made it to my floor of the dorm, when the stairwell light suddenly flickered on. The old bulb stuttered and flickered, casting eerie shadows along the wall.  I jumped in fright...the stairwell light never came on...ever.

Suspicion flooded my senses like a tsunami.  I glanced around with narrowed eyes, and my top lip was curling up in the parody of a snarl.

I slowly crept towards the hallway of my dorm floor, knowing it would be flooded with iridescent new lights, and a couple of shy souls who wanted to get away from nosey roommates.  I then had the sudden suspicion I was being watched. I backed my way out of the stairwell, and before closing the door tight, I saw a pair of human eyes glinting in the distant darkness of sharp turn in the stairs, before the light flickered out.

I quickly skittered down the hallway before unlocking the door of my dorm room with shaking hands.  When I had it unlocked, I opened it with lightning speed before slamming it shut, leaning against it for support.  Breathing hard, I regained my senses. I rationally thought over what it could have been.

“It’s probably one of the boys playing a prank on me.” I breathed to myself, nodding my head, as if trying to convince myself that’s what it was.

I walked over to my bed, and sighed in relief.  I was one of the lucky people to not have a roommate, so it was always quiet in my room.  I plopped down on the bed, and let my eyes drift shut.


I woke up to the sun burning my eyes.  I sat up and groaned, last night I must have had forgotten to close the blinds.  That was the one problem I had with this dorm room. The sun always managed to find a way to get into my eyes if I didn’t close the blind.  I swung my feet over the bed, and hopped down lightly. I had always been quite graceful, which had made my mother wish she could have had the money to take me to dance lessons when I was younger.

I crossed the small space to my small dresser.  I opened it, and pulled out some comfortable clothes.  I pulled on my booty shorts, and sports bra, and tank top.  I walked to my bookbag, which was in the corner of the room.  I had a whole day until the big party Sling was throwing tonight, so I might as well get rid of my writers block.  I pulled it onto my shoulders, and grabbed my wallet. I put on my black converse and socks, and out the door I went.

I walked down the hallway, and paused before the stairwell door remembering last night's events.  I opened the door slowly, and looked down what I could see of the stairs. No one was in sight. The windows in the set of stairs were bright and filled with sunlight.  I started down them cautiously, and they groaned in protest. I paused at the halfway point, and turned my phone on, put my earbuds in, and scrolled through my music until I found my favorite artist.  I turned it on, and kept walking, stowing my phone away in my pocket.


I hopped into the car.  My friends and I were singing loudly and strongly.  We were headed out to a dense part of the country to a barn.  That was where the party was being held tonight. I was excited, because this was the first party I had been to in a while.  Maybe I could get some action with someone tonight…

I pushed the thought out of my head.  Most people at parties were creeps, and I definitely wanted to get to know a person before I started anything with them.

It took a while, but we finally arrived at our destination.  We got out of the car, and my friends started at me in envy. I still managed to look good in my casual clothes without makeup.

The loud base of some rap song shook the barn as we neared it.  The sounds of people yelling and having fun rang through the air.  I looked, and saw a cooler filled with beer. I picked one up, cracked it open, and guzzled it.  It was halfway gone. I wanted to get drunk fast tonight.

I went to where most of the action was.  Someone was passing a blunt around, and wedged myself into the circle.  I took a couple of hits, and combined with the couple of beers I had had, I was in a considerably good mood.

I got on the dance floor, before an arm snaked around my shoulders.

“Hey there, pretty lady, what’s your name?”

I looked at the guy in front of me.  He was my size, and had dark brown hair, with blond streaks.  His eyes were a startling pine green, like mine. I snorted, also realizing that they bore a resemblance to my name.

“I’m Pine, you?” I asked.

“Pine?  An interesting name is Alfred.”

“Hmmm, well, Alfred, would you like to get a couple of beers with me?”


I staggered out of the car.  I was so glad that one of my friends didn’t get to drunk, otherwise we would have been in a crash.  I walked down the sidewalk, just a block away from my dorm. My sight was blurry and I was dizzy. I had made my friends drop me off here, because they were in a different dormitory that took longer to get to then mine, and I didn’t mind the fresh air.  I heard their car drive away, and stood there for a moment. I thought over the guy I had met at the party. Alfred, wasn’t it? Ugh...I had been so stupid!  He had led me to a more secluded corner of the barn, and things had gotten steamy.

He had gotten very touchy…

I knew next time to never get this drunk again.  I started down the sidewalk, slowly. My head was starting to spin, and then I heard a vehicle pull up behind me.  Boots clomping up behind me. Hands grabbing my arms. I struggled, and managed to wriggle out of the man's grasp. I turned to face him, and swung my fist.  He caught it with ease, and pinned my arms behind my back. I faced the vehicle now, and I saw it was a dark van. More men got out of it, and then I saw one of them had a syringe.

I struggled harder, but I was getting intensely more dizzy.

I saw him approach me, and I could do nothing as he stuck the syringe in my arm.  It was done in a matter of seconds. Whatever was in it started acting almost as quickly as it had been injected into my bloodstream.  My mind started to slip away from me, and I fought hard with my mind, trying to get a grip on it. I finally gave up, knowing there was no hope for me…

I let out my pent up breath as my mind and body slid into the dark.


- Cassondra Hoffman

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