Chapter 1

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"J, Let's go," I growl.

He holds a hand up without turning around.
"Yeah yeah yeah, comin comin comin."

I shift the weight of the bags in my hands.

"Are you dull?" I breath, voice low. "Do you not hear those sirens?"

He snatches something else from one of the top shelves in the vault.

"Got it," I hear him smile.

"Got what?" I ask, irritated.

He holds up what's in his hands, turning around slowly.

I can't help but smile to myself, at what he has.

I start laughing. So does he.

"Uh, boss, we got company," I hear Frost say.

We both stop immediately, snapping our heads in the direction of the door.

"Comin Johnny boy," J says, and we make our way out of the nearly empty bank vault.

"Red," I call.

"Yes, Ma'am?" He says as he runs up to me.

I toss the heaving bags I collected at him, and he nearly topples over with the force of my throw.

"Take those to the van."

He nods, then scurries off through the back.

J and I are the only ones left—besides the civilians, who look scared out of their minds—per request.

Four police come rushing through the front doors of the bank, and I merely shake my head at their stupidity.

I pull out my gun from my leather coat pocket, not bothering to switch out my almost empty clip with a full one, and shoot down two of them. J does the same.

My gun stays in my grip until it cools down.

No way in hell am I ruining my jacket.

I crack my neck, say, "we should get outta here just about now," and turn around.

We make it out the back door, but only for a few seconds are we in the clear, because I hear a familiar swish behind me.

Without turning around J and I both know who it is.

Damn bats, always ruining our plans.

"Batsy, Batsy, Batsy," we say synchronously, and slowly face him.

"I see ya heard about the party huh? Wanted to swoop in, didn't ya?" J says.

"It's over. There are police surrounding this area right now. If you don't fight back, you won't be hurt."

I laughed alarmingly loud.

"That's real funny batsy, I didn't know you were such a comedian." I put a finger to my lips. "I guess I just can't decide what's funnier, you saying you're not gonna hurt us, or that you think we're not gonna fight ya. Ain't that real funny, J?"

He smiles wide, the metal on his teeth glinting in the moonlight. "Yeah yeah, it's real funny. When did you get sooooo funny bats?"

Batsy grunts, and puts one hand on each of our shoulders, gripping tightly.

I tense up, and growl at him, bearing my teeth.

"There's no where to go, just accept that you're going to Arkham, and it will make this whole ordeal much easier."

I kick him in the groin.

"I don't think so," I say, grinning like a little kid on Christmas.

He let's go of our shoulders, bending over only slightly, but just enough for J to bring up his knee, connecting it to bats face with a crack.

I throw in a punch, and dodge a few of his own. At one point I almost had him incapacitated, but he escaped it, elbowing me in the gut.

J threw an uppercut to the jaw, which was returned with a hard kick to his shin.

Okay, now I'm pissed.

I walk up to him, throwing a full force punch into his lower chest, where his diaphragm is.

He gasps slightly, and although this would cause any other person to get the wind completely knocked out of them, Batsy has on his all mighty suit, meaning it only did about a fourth of what I wanted it to.

After a second, he took one swift step towards me, and with his remaining strength—which I hate to admit was still a lot—threw me at the brick wall in the alleyway.

I didn't hit my head too hard, but there's a possibility I might've dislocated my shoulder.

I'm gonna kill that fucking bats, just as I did his weak little sidekick.

He's about to go at J now, but before he can, we all hear the cock of a very loud gun. He automatically ducks, missing the bullet that sears millimeters past his head.

As he begins to stand up and look around for his shooter, someone appears from the side of the bank, swinging on a cable supposedly connected to the top of the building, and delivers an extremely powerful kick to Batsy's head.

He's knocked to the ground, and I start laughing hysterically, so does J.

I look up, and realize the mystery person has set foot on the ground.

It's Deadshot. The most wanted hit man in the world, and also one of Batsy's worst enemy's.

He tilts his head at me.

"You alright? Saw what he did, that son of a bitch."

I smile wide. "Oh, I'm fine. No big deal, really," I say, exasperated.

He nods slowly. "Right. Well, you owe me one."

He raises an eyebrow at me, and I take two steps towards him, a fascinated look on my face.

"Is that so?"

He smiles a little, laughs. "I suppose I might wanna get goin before the cops find me, and things get ugly. Unlike you two I got no one to break me out if I get caught."

J chuckles. "You just have to know the right people, it'll get ya places," He says, clapping his hands once.

Deadshot shakes his head. "Yeah, alright crazies, I gotta go. See ya around." And with that, he presses something on his belt, and shoots up, onto the top of the building.

I stare up there blankly a minute after he's gone.

I've never actually met him before. Strange.

"C'mon J." He grabs my arm, spinning me around, and I finally snap out of it.

We hurry to J's purple Lamborghini—we decided to use his for this specific night—and get in.

Before we know it, we're speeding off through the streets of Gotham.

Whatta ride

A/n: okay, let me know what you guys think! I've had the idea for this just kinda sitting in my mind for a while, so I decided to put it to good use. But seriously let me know if you like it, so I can make sure to continue! Don't forget to comment and VOTE please :)

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