Psychological facts part -1

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1. The very last person on your mind before you fall  asleep is either the reason for your happiness or pain

2. Your minds rewrite monotonous speeches of boring people to make it sound  interesting.

3. The type of music you listen to affects the way you perceive the world.

Psychological FactsMost Impressive Ranking# 1 on brainOther Rankings

# 11 on treatment

# 9 on personalit

# 42 mind

# 41 loneliness

# 385 girls

# 44 animal

# 2 stay home

# 695 happiness

# 615 boys

# 242 interesting

# 720 teenagers

#723 crush

# 377 anger

# 33 phobia

# 1 psychological facts

# 45 readtogether


Author's insta id : _ayushi.tyagi__

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