Chapter 1

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Xiao set down his terminal head piece, tiredly massaging his temples. His overtaxed neurons seemed to strain and split, they fired in painful pulses, but still no answer came to him.

He felt the air cool and settle around him. He looked up to see Heine, his glacial gaze warmed to liquid as he stared at Xiao.

"You need to rest." 

"I cannot let it go. I know there is something here. He...he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't just murder someone. You know that."

"The events occurred as you saw. The torture force confirmed it, as did the witnesses."

"Still..." Xiao worried his lip in contemplation. Heine sighed and reached an arm out to grab the back of Xiao's neck, pulling him close to rest his forehead against his. 

"I have spoken to Xia. He has time tomorrow to meet with you." Xiao saw the worry line Heine's face. Although he didn't overtly reveal it, he was just as concerned at the events as Xiao. He sighed heavily and leaned back.

"I don't think he is a killer. But there is no explanation as to what happened. I believe that if anyone can find something that makes sense, it will be you. Despite that, I don't want you to get your hopes up. The mind is complex. Sometimes things break. Even in people we think are least likely to do so."

Xiao shook his head adamantly.

"No. He wouldn't."

Heine stood up and hauled Xiao to his feet.

"Let's go home. Rest for now and you can focus on it tomorrow." Xiao nodded tiredly and leaned against Heine as they headed back to their dorm.

The new Shire had a completely different feel than before. It was rapidly organizing and growing. They already had the military headquarters and dorms fully constructed. The zombies had been cleared and the Special forces were rapidly securing the city's perimeter. Many of the civilians chose to build their own homes as opposed to adhering to the Shire's former uniformity. Many of the citizens took to farming and animal husbandry with a passion. Gone were the food replicators and forced perfection. The citizens were happy and embracing their new found freedom with gusto.

Xiao's research facility was in the process of being built. There was a small lagoon that connected to the sea where he was having it constructed. His new research focused on harnessing power from the waves to provide energy to the Shire. It was still in its infancy but Xiao was excited over the prospect. Finally the world wasn't something where he could just lazily observe, nor was it ruled by fear and war. This was a world with hope and unfettered freedom.

The promise of a tomorrow they could carve with their own hands.

Having such a tragedy derail that promise was hard for Xiao to take. The Shire had never had a problem with murder. To have it occur within the special forces caused a rift that had just repaired. Above all, Xiao was unable to process the identity of the murderer. Despite the many betrayals that he had endured throughout their battle with the Surge, this had hit on completely different level. Xiao was determined to find an answer that created some sense from the madness.

Xiao was so immersed in his thoughts, as he made his way to the Torture forces the next morning, that he didn't see the tall and powerful form in front of him until he had barreled right into it. Long lean arms wrapped tightly around him, taking advantage of their close proximity.

"My dear Xiao, you don't have to resort to such coyness with me. Just tell me you miss me and I will shower you with as much affection as you desire." Xiao looked up shocked, his eyes widened as he took in the man standing in front of him.

"Jane what are you doing here?"

"Well I couldn't help but hear about the events that occurred. I took a mild interest." Xiao rolled his eyes. For all of Jane's ventures for freedom, he refused to admit the Shire was his home. Yet despite his many statements that he didn't care, he seemed to always know what was going on in the small city.

Xiao looked up at him with pained eyes and Jane gently pinched his chin.

"Don't worry. If there is an answer to be found you will discover it. If there is not though, you must let go. There are some things in this world that are sadly inexplicable."

"He wouldn't do it."

"He obviously did though." Jane's voice was clipped and disconnected. A strange atmosphere coated his movements.

"Don't act like you don't care. You know that you do. You also know that you find it hard to believe. There must be more to this. "

Something strange flashed through Jane's eyes at Xiao Yan's words. Xiao attempted to get a better view of the emotion briefly flaring through, but it was gone before he could focus his gaze.

"Just because I find something surprising doesn't mean that I don' t believe it or even care about it. Do I think there is more to the story? Perhaps. I must admit that I am curious about that part. But I have seen people do many things that are shocking and hard to digest."

"He is hardly Valentin."

"No one is until they are."

"Are you done with the falsely deep one liners." Xiao retorted angrily, rapidly becoming frustrated with the conversation.

Jane dropped his hand and obediently stepped aside to allow Xiao to pass. Without even glancing back, Xiao headed inside the building.

He showed up at the Torture forces before Xia had even arrived. Xiao waited outside his office. He hurriedly straightened as he saw the head of the torture force make his way down the hall.

Xia simply nodded at him and opened his office. Instantly the smell of coffee saturated the air and Xia settled himself across from Xiao. He laid out the terminal and had Xiao go through his interrogation of the prisoner. Xiao took in each detail with diligence. Finally he removed the terminal and looked at General Xia with a stern expression.

"I want to see him." 

"You want to interrogate him yourself?" General Xia took a sip from his mug, his eyes heavy over the rim of his cup. "Do you doubt my abilities?"

Xiao shifted a bit in his chair, uncertain of how to answer the question, he opened his mouth and closed it. Xia waved his efforts away and stood up. 

"You worry that I will not be as careful as you. Well he did make the most delicious coffee so that alone, assures my utmost diligence. " Xia smiled at Xiao. Instantly he saw that Xiao was not interested in any lighthearted comments on the situation. General Xia coughed lightly and set his cup down. He looked directly in Xiao's eyes before speaking.

"I assumed you would want to question him yourself. I already have the techs ready to calibrate your neurons."

Xiao followed Xia down to the holding cells. He stopped in front of the high level isolation rooms.

They were designed specifically to hold members of the special forces.

He opened the door and waved Xiao Yan inside.

Xiao slowly walked inside the damp cell, the lights were dim and the corners of the room were shrouded in pitch. He could barely make out the form chained to the back wall. His posture was slumped and defeated, his hair lay matted against his face and a clear air of despair stuck to his skin and weighed his frame down.

A broken man stood before him.

Xiao could barely speak around the lump forming in his throat. Gone was the proud jovial soldier that he had known before, just a faint shadow remained.

"Maya....." Xiao breathed his name, his voice lead with pain.

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