A Hero's Doubt

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Hi! So lots of angst and stuff lol. This is my first time writing. Don't be afraid to leave some positive feedback in the comments! This first parts in America's POV

Why? Why would I always be hated?

I tried so hard to make others happier. If tensions were high, I'd act dumb so others could take their anger out on someone not cared for. I smiled so they could see not everything was so bad. Even if it was fake most of the time. In the beginning, I was just trying to be the hero, but the insults kept getting worse, and my self esteem plummeted. The comments seemed so real. So hateful.

I am hated. By the whole world.

But maybe I brought this upon myself. I let others insult me. I let them harass me. I didn't try to let them see past the mask I put on. I smiled and pranced around like an idiot. I didn't try to let them know that the only reason I was the "asshole" of the world was to protect them. I tried to be the hero. If they had someone to pick on, someone who could just bounce back after lgetting hit with insult after insult, then they wouldn't hurt others. Only me. Some might say I'm dumb for doing this. In the beginning I just wanted to be the hero. I thought I could handle it. But I can't.

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