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"You'll like Lydia, I promise," my cousin, Allison tells me as we wait outside the Beacon Hill's airport, waiting for her best friend, Lydia, to pick us up. "Are you feeling okay now, Addison?"

On the plane, I felt a bit sick, considering I had never left France before. I looked over at her and chewed the inside of my cheek.

My family has a huge secret. Well, past secret, because they don't hunt Werewolves anymore. I never wanted to be apart of it. My mother, Vivian, never wanted to apart of that lifestyle so she left Beacon Hills when she was young and went to France.

I don't know who my father is, she told me she had a one night stand with someone back in Beacon Hills. Another thing is that she didn't want me to be involved with the family secret, even when Mum's sister, Kate, asked me to join, I still said no but I kept the supernatural a secret anyways. I personally haven't met a supernatural creature yet, but my mind still tells me they exist.

And now here I am, 17 years later, leaving home for the first time. Allison stayed at mine for our holidays and I decided I wanted to get away from France, explore the world on my own and go to a new school.

That's where Allison had the idea I should go and stay with them. I was a bit weary, thinking that they still hunted down Werewolves - yes, I still can't believe they exist - but then she explained to me how she's in love with one and they had this huge family conflict with him and now they've broken up, Allison and Uncle Chris decided it would be best to have a break of hunting them.

"Yes," I finally answered, my French accent filled my ears. "I'm fine now, thank you,"

She smiled at me, holding onto her bag. "That's good," she had an American accent. A car honked in the distance. "Oh! There's Lydia, come on, Ads," she grabbed my arm gently and pulled me along, I followed behind, dragging the two suitcases I had with me.

Lydia was parked in the car park, she comes out of the car. She was extremely pretty, she has strawberry blonde hair, her jawline was popping and she had an amazing sense of clothes. She wore bright red lipstick and beamed at Allison.

"Allison!" The two embraced with each other, they pulled back. "Is this your cousin, Addison?"

Allison turns to me, so she was standing next to Lydia. "Yes, this is Addison, the one I emailed you about."

"She's pretty," Lydia complimented making me smile. "She has a good sense of fashion, too, I can totally seeing us get along."

"Thank you," my heart warmed.

"I love your accent," Lydia giggles. "Come on, let's go before it gets dark," I looked up at the sky, I hadn't even noticed that it was growing darker by the second.

We climbed into the car after we had put our bags in the back, I finally take a seat in the back, Allison sits in the front and they talk about simple things as Lydia drives out of there.

For most of the ride, I stayed quiet and watched as it got darker as we drive into Beacon Hills a bit more.

"It is not a double date," I heard Lydia say which is when I decided to zone in to their conversation. "It is a group thing."

I watched Allison smile at her. "Do they know its a group thing? 'Cause I told you that I am not ready to get back out there."

"You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?" Lydia's eyes were wide like she couldn't believe it and she scoffed, staring ahead at the road.

"Did you?" Allison shrugs, looking at Lydia. "I mean, after-"

"Do not say his name," Lydia cuts her off. She sucked in a breath.

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