1 - The Start of the Game

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I have a guilty pleasure that started from an early point in my life, and that would be otome games.

You know, the cliche dating games targeted towards a female audience. The ones with attractive love interests and crazy plots.

While I know that they're obviously just fantasies that would never happen, I often looked forward to playing for whether it would be the love interests or the storyline.

Due to recent events (like boredom), I spent hours browsing the app store when I came across a weird title.

High School Romance ~Love and Confessions~

It was the name of a recent otome game that gotten pretty high reviews, despite the overly cheesy name - of course. So due to my slight addiction, I downloaded it only to find out that it was what the title implied: a high school romance. In addition, there was the classic heroine; an overly pretty and smart girl surrounded by the three love interests.

'Heh, well what you'd expect from a generic otome game?' was my first reaction, but upon diving deeper, the game was much more interesting than I thought.

On a Sunday night, my current task was completing one of the love interest's route; but turns out each route is really long - four hours each to be exact. That makes twelve hours worth of gameplay, but maybe, even more, considering there was talk online about the addition of a secret route.

Anyways, in the middle of trying to complete the game, I fell asleep for some reason. What was even stranger was that I was met with the shouts of my mom.

Huh? Wasn't yesterday Sunday? That would make today Monday, but we're in the middle of summer vacation - which means I should be sleeping in right now. Wait, unless-

"How far has the fire spread, mom?!" I shouted, frowning as my body scurried to move out of bed.

"Ah, this girl - did you already forget it's the first day of high school?" My mother replied with an unamused expression. What, the first day of high school? I'm becoming a freshman, but that's supposed to be next week!

"Mom, you've never pranked me before. .why now?" I groggily said, crawling back to my beloved pillow. "If that's all, I'm going back to sleep-"

"Y/n M/n L/n, if you don't get out of bed and into the restroom this instant, you can bet that your phone will be taken away." My mom threatened, and I frowned - getting up for the second time.

"But-" Just as I was about to start, a glare was sent towards my way and I quickly ran into the bathroom.

What's up with my mom, seriously?

My hands grabbed my toothbrush and I applied some toothpaste, brushing my teeth quickly as I feared the consequences. Bruh, I'm not dreaming - right? Ack, this is so weird!

After washing my face with a towel, I went to go change clothes. However, when I went out of the bathroom - I saw my mom neatly placing what seemed to be a school uniform down on the bed.

A white t-shirt with a black ribbon around the collar and a dark blue and white plaid skirt. The skirt was short, so it would definitely not reach my knees. In addition, next to the skirt was a pair of long white socks that had a blue line going horizontally at the top.

Since when did my high school require uniforms, and why do they look like they're made for a private school?

"Hurry, girl!" My mom's shout snapped me out of my thoughts, and she glared at me once more while handing me the outfit. I stared at it dumbstruck before finally putting it on. "Come downstairs for breakfast after you're done!"

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