Uh- woops

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Aphmau POV
It was a very cold winter day but me and Aaron were watching a movie a horror one! I couldn't handle it so I just closed me eyes wishing I could go to sleep and forget what I just saw..I mean I did, me and Aaron watched the movie at 12 and I woke up at 3 in the morning. But then I just realized tomorrow is Aaron's birthday eek I can't wait I have to- ~Tail pops out~ Oh no teehe I-

Aaron: ~Moves so Aaron Hand was touching Aphmau's tail~

Aphmau: Aah~

Aphmau's POV
Oh shoot did I just moan...Freak I did when my tail popped out it could of hit his tail. But then suddenly I felt weird, my skin was warm, sweat was dripping off my head..I had this weird feeling...I didn't know what do so I just waited to the morning so I can go to Daniels mom. ~there in lover lanes~

Aaron: Good morning babe.
Aaron: Wow are you ok..?
Aphmau: No I mean yes no maybe?
Aaron: Um..Last night you fell asleep so I brought you to our room.
Aphmau: Yeah I notice I was so confused why I was here.. ~lies~
Aaron: Well now you know, Anyways I am going to make some food.

Aaron's POV
Aphmau was acting weird so I decided to spy on her, I mean I was her fiancé soo..

Aphmau: ~calls Daniels mom and puts in on speaker~
Aaron: ~whispers~ Who is she calling-
Aphmau: Hello!
Daniels mom: Hello this I docter (I don't know) Speaking.
Aphmau: Hai yes you must be Daniels mom right?
Aaron: Daniels mom..?
Daniels Mom: Ah yes and you are?
Aphmau: I'm aphmau we've met before.
Daniels Mom: In fact we have your Aaron's wife right..?
Aphmau: Tehe not yet ~blushes~
Aaron: ~blushes~
Daniels mom: Anyways did you need something?
Aphmau: Ya, so last night while I was sleeping Aaron touched my tail...
Daniels mom: Keep going..
Aphmau: This morning I've been feeling very weird...
Aaron: Weird..?

Aaron POV
Your probably thinking Aaron shouldn't you know about Female werewolf's? Well no I was just taught about the ultima and male werewolf's.. I couldn't get the rest of what they were saying since Aphmau went in the bathroom..So I just started to make breakfast.

Daniels Mom: Can you list how you were feeling?
Aphmau: Sure! Well when he touched my tail I felt very hot and I mean in two ways-
Daniels mom: Aphmau your getting of track..
Aphmau: Huh- oh Tehe anyways I was very sweaty and I felt this weird feeling..
Daniels Mom: Did you feel weird sleeping with Aaron?
Aphmau: When you mentioned it..I-I did..
Daniels mom: I think I know what it is, do you have time to come to my office?
Aphmau: I do what time?
Daniels mom: Is 3:00 alright?
Aphmau: Yep see you then! ~hangs up while looking at watch~ 12 already I definitely slept in..I should get ready!
Aaron: Hey babe ~hands a plate of bacon and pancakes~
Aphmau: Ooh yummy! ~stuffs a piece of bacon in her mouth~
Aaron: Sooo are you doing something today..?
Aphmau: Ya I am, I am going to Daniels mom.
Aaron: Daniels mom, Why?
Aphmau: Oh um...Ever since I was a werewolf she checks on me..
Aaron: Oh ok, what time?
Aphmau: 3:00
Aaron: You should go now.
Aphmau: Why?
Aaron: Well we woke up at 12 then you took an hour to get ready so now it's 1:00 and the line is going to be long.
Aphmau: Oh shoot I should be going bye Aaron!
Aaron: Wait!
Aphmau: Huh-
Aaron: ~kisses Aphmau~
Aphmau: ~blushes very very red~
Aaron: Uh are you ok..? Your blushing more than usual..
Aphmau: I-I am fine I should be going now..bye!
Aaron: Byee!

Aaron POV
She's not going there for that reason..I have an idea! When she comes back I'll go to Daniels mom office and ask what's wrong with Aphmau then I can help her!😁

Well that's all Phoenixs :P! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, should I continue this book?

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