52.❄❆Keeping Up with the Andersons❆❄

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Lights - Josh Ritter

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Lights - Josh Ritter

On some distant moon I lie on my back

For a glimpse of blue 'fore it's gone to black

It used to be like this, now it's not like that

I've got your light in my eyes

In the evening Phoenix took her for a house tour

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In the evening Phoenix took her for a house tour .Their last stop being the game room, Jason's proud and joy . It had a Snooker table , a dart board and a Table football. The corner section of the room was different , Secured as his office area.

"That's his home office." Katherine told her .Jason smiled proudly and motioned Aurora, to go forward. 

The large mahogany desk had a laptop, a computer and What looked like a setup for video conferences. Aurora circled to the other side of his desk , to the library wall. Coming closer to it she realized it was a chimera. They were not books it was carefully painted to give the illusion of having a library wall .

Aurora's head turned to them. Katherine was standing with a bored look, Jason was looking proud as a peacock. Phoenix and Tori seemed completely embarrassed .

"Genius, Isn't It." Jason asked Aurora "It looks like a library.I look professional in my conference , without having those old stinky behind my back ." Katherine rolled her eyes at that.

" I must tell you dear . A year ago ,My master manipulator husband had a green screen setup for his conference here . A malfunction give his game away .Then he came up with this idea."

" I don't need those books like you have to , in that office of yours. I have the rules memorized by heart , Kat." Jason teased.

Phoenix and Tori's food came out of their mouth from laughing . Katherine frowned on them and They pretended to focus on the snooker table. 

                            Katherine threw daggers in Jason's way , Who got saved by the bell before Katherine could pick up the dart and poke his eyes . 

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