10. Dieci

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My Bugatti rounded over the huge statue of naked bastards with paunchy belly, and wings on their back, holding a fucking bow and arrow

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My Bugatti rounded over the huge statue of naked bastards with paunchy belly, and wings on their back, holding a fucking bow and arrow. Climbing out of the car, my feet pounded over the gravelly road, craning my neck, I watched the gigantic mansion, it was draped with more lights for the occasion. Every single statue on the corners has a sniper hidden behind.

I stepped on the flights of stairs covered in the red carpet for the occasion. The palace I had once considered home. My safe haven, I had felt nothing could harm me here. The same place where my innocence was snatched away from me, when I learned what my father does. How do we own this 25-acre house and our own golf course in the backyard no one uses. Why was I escorted to school like a president with heavy security?

I scoffed and adjust my tie. I had to wear a navy blue suit I wasn't comfortable in. It wasn't Armani. One of my mother's friends wanted a model to show off this ugly work. Mamma volunteered me.

A beautiful woman with deep blue eyes and blonde hair stood at the door, wearing a blue cocktail dress that complimented her eyes. The love those blue eyes held for me is the reason I look forward to coming in here.

"Mamma" I smile at her.

"Vita mia! You are not eating properly." She cupped my cheek, frowning at me. I chuckle, leaning into her palm. Claudia Armani is the most innocent woman in the Cosa Nostra. She was the mafia royalty. Her marriage with my father was fixed the moment Marsilia and Filippo Ricci found out they were having a girl.

She was molded into the perfect little mafia princess. Bred to become the perfect mafia wife. She can cook, clean, care of an army of kids with ease. Even though she was born with privilege. Every single breath she took was owned by my grandparents and now, my father. One thing they couldn't own was her optimism and the beautiful smile that lights up my whole world.

"I am eating properly, mamma. You are embarrassing me." I say sheepishly, holding my elbow out to her. She interlinked her hand with mine as we entered my old house. Where every single thing has been my mamma's choice. She is the most perfect woman I had ever seen, yet my father cheats on her.

My mother either knows he is cheating on her and turns a blind eye or.... she thinks my father hits the pole with our strippers. The only thing my father doesn't do is bring the violence in the house against her. He had needed the position my paternal grandfather had as the Boss. Filippo Ricci, my maternal grandfather, was my grandfather, Guasparre's consigliere, and a close friend. They lived a long life. After their demise, the habit of not hurting my mother physically stayed with him.

"Tesoro" my mom whispered, reading my expression even when I had covered them properly.

"One day, you will be free of that monster." I whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek. She never scolds me when I promise her something like this. She also wants to get rid of my father as much as I do.

My mother's handsy friends came to congratulate her after feeling me up. I leave them to their chatter and entered the eye of the tornado. All the rich, influential and powerful assholes came to kiss our feet. To congratulate my parents on their 28th wedding anniversary. My father stared at me in anger. No matter what I do, I will always be a disappointment in his eyes.

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