December 1st 2005

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From what I heard I was born in the middle of the night. The people in the delivery room was my mom and my grandma no my dad was not there that's an entire story of it's own. My name is Elio Jesus Figueredo when I was born no one knew what I had there tried a humidifier and an incubator neither of them work from what I heard. The doctors thought it was sis 'tis fibrosis welp they were wrong again.

7 months later
After living in hospital for 7 months I was finally able to go home but of course something bad happened. While my amazing mother was breast feeding me I started turning purple because my milk was not going down properly and was going to my lungs so there for they put a feeding tube in my stomach so I could eat which I had for about 6 1/2 years do I miss it no no I don't. And from there I stayed in a nursing home till I was 3 years old because apparently my mom was an unfit parent for me but was a perfect parent for my sisters and my dad was not there so yea there's that. So after 3 years of taking parenting classes I was able to go home. So to this day the closest thing they can come up with that I have is called ichthyosis netherton syndrome.

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