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Okay Before we start here's a little reminder

"This Text"  Will be Amane narrating...


"This Text" will be you narrating.

To be clear, I'm actually following both the movie and the light novel, making me a little confused with the whole thing. XD

But again, I want to include some stuff that the movie didn't show that was in the novel.


"A nostalgic voice and scent. Cherished light and warmth. "

Amane felt himself against someone. The feeling of someone close to him. It was like the person he was close to was meant for him. A tingling of exquisitely sweet feeling. It was all felt so real.

Amane opened his eyes, seeing the ceiling infront of him, he slowly sat up seeing that he was in his room, with no one next to him, alone. In the house he shared with his younger twin brother and grandmother.

Looking through his window, he sees the sun already shining. It was already morning. The familiar warmt disappeared from the moment he woke up, making him feel the sudden feeling of longing.

"I see...I've been dreaming...."

(Y/n) sat up on her own bed, feeling confused, the sense of unity that enveloped her vanished. Her eyes slightly sting, she didn't even knew why. They just suddenly fell, blurring the her sight of her room. Just before she could even form a thought, her tears all suddenly came rushing down like a waterfall.

"Once in a while when I wake up. I find myself crying."

She slowly wipes her tears away for only new ones to come pouring down. She was confused. It was always like this.

"...The dream I must have had. I can never recall....But... "

Amane wipes his tears before staring at his hand, his right one. Next thing he knew, the tears went away, making him ponder on why he was crying in the first place. He glance back at his hand, and for some reason, he felt like this hand once held something really precious.

"But...the sensation that I've lost something... lingers for a long time after I wake up."

Amane stood up from his bed and went to the bathroom. He opened the tap and splashed his face with water, feeling the the lukewarm temperature. He look into the mirror.

"I look into the mirror. My reflection stares back. He seems vaguely unhappy."

(Y/n) took her highschool uniform and went to the bathroom. She was finishing up her senior year, going to the college of her dreams in a few months. She look into the mirror and began her morning routine.

"Gazing into the mirror, I do my hair, pulling my arms through the sleeves of my spring uniform...I tie the necktie I've finally gotten used to, then put on my jacket."

(Y/n) took out her bag and head out of her room into the outside world.

"I open the door of my apartment..."

Amane waved at his grandmother with his backpack slung on his shoulder before leaving the house. Passing through the neighbor hood, on his way to university.

"I shut the door to my house..."

He stared at the bussling buildings filled with so much life. He sighed, already used to the view around him after moving in the city.

"Around me was Tokyo's cityscape, which I've finally gotten accustomed to, spread out before me. Just as I once learned the names of the mountain peaks, I can name a few of the skyscrapers now without even trying. "

(Y/n) look up from her phone as she steps on the escalator, she was taking the train to get to school.

"I get through the turnstile at the crowded station and took the escalator down... "

Amane entered the train, in which soon closed, the moment he entered. He stared at the class, watching the train moves.

"I board a commuter train. Leaning against the door, I watch the scenery flow by. The city teems with people- in the windows of buildings, in cars, on pedestrian bridges."

(Y/n) leaned on the glass, watching everything move slowly. A frown on her face as she seems to be searching around for something.

Or someone...

"A hazy, pale spring sky. A hundred people to a car, a thousand people to a train, a thousand trains crisscrossing the city.

I'm always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me...

...I think from that day..."


"That day when the stars came falling. It was almost as if..."

A ten years old (Y/n) opened the door to the rooftop, staring at the view infront of her in complete awe.

A huge comet slowly moves away, pass her and around. The view was absolutely beautiful, it was like a streak of paint on a canva, mixed with another color together.

"...As if a scene from a dream."

The thirteen years old Amane stared at the sky in amazement. He was standing on an open field, wearing a Yukata as he stared at the comet. The wind slightly blew his choppy black hair.

"Nothing more, nothing less....Than a beautiful view."


A little reminder to not confuse you guys. Amane has taken the role of Mitsuha in this one so he will be the one living in Itomori and (Y/n) or you will take the role of Taki, so you'll be the tokyo girl that has been switching bodies with Amane.

I did my research about japanese shrines and traditions so I know what I'm doing (Sorta), but some are made up since my research results were limited. But I have everything under control and have already been planned well inside my mind!

Also, writing this will be a challenging since the your name/kimi no nawa plot is a bit confusing with the whole perspective switching from Taki to Mitsuha along with the timeline changing and stuff, But there's no writing I can't handle! I love a good difficulty! XD

This book is my valentine special for y'all Hanako lovers out there who wants a good crossover between animes!

Keep in mind that I use long hair for my image of you readers since I find them much easier to put into different hairstyles, so if you have shorter hair, ignore ever part I write about hair length and styles, and just put whatever you wanted your hair to be.

One last thing, Go check out my Hanako Trio boyfriend scenarious!(^_^)

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