the party (pt.2)

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"So do we all know who is who now?" Chan reassuringly asked, and the others nodded and hooted.

"I'm hungry! I'm just gonna go raid your fridge," Minho announced, walking out of the living area, where the others were standing in.

"Thank god you mentioned food! I haven't eaten in days!" Hyunjin added.

"Wait, really?" Chan asked.

"Nah, I ate a couple of hours ago."

"You and your exaggerations," the eldest sighed.

"Food is life, YOLO, bye," he followed Minho.

"Let's see what movies are playing tonight," Felix suggested, and Jeongin and Seungmin accompanied him. A second later, he joined Hyunjin and Minho in the kitchen.

"I'll just take a seat because it took all my energy to wake Jisung up," Changbin plopped down on the couch behind the three shuffling through the channels.

"Chan, I wanted to ask you something," Jisung solemnly spoke, catching the said man off-guard.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" He asked the younger, and he slowly began,

"Did you get wishes from girls?"

"Uh, yeah?"

Jisung stomped his feet like a child, "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LIKE ME?"

"I laif chu," Felix spoke from the kitchen, his mouth filled with wafers.

"I could literally marry you right now!" Jisung whined.

"Not to be homophobic, but ew, I don't ship y'all," Jeongin grimaced.

"Jilix in the house, yo!" Changbin laughed.

"More like soulmates," Minho remarked.

"Did I make you jealous, cat dad?" Jisung winked, and the 'cat dad' made puking noises.

Hyunjin and Felix knowingly giggled like, "Huehuehuehue!"

"This just made me hungry," Changbin groaned.

"Just... Just what part of this conversation appealed delicious to you that you're hungry now?" Seungmin commented.

"I'll just get nachos for you," Felix, being the sweetheart that he is, brought a packet of nachos to Changbin.

"Oh, look, it's a triangle eating triangles," Jisung commented, and Changbin gave him a death glare.

Hyunjin almost choked on his wafers laughing.

"So, what do we do tonight?" Jeongin changed the topic.

Felix and Minho gave him a suggestive sideway glance.

"I see some people are learning the art of being horny from me. Proud of you," Jisung faked wiping a tear.

"And this is exactly the reason why girls don't approach you," Seungmin sighed.

At that, the quokka sprinted to him and apologetically asked, "Teach me how to win women, senpai!"

"Wha-" Seungmin got up, walking to the kitchen, muttering, "Kids these days."

Jisung sulked, and taking it as a sign to continue with the evening, Chan clapped his hands and began, "Did you guys get gifts?"

"Oh, yeah!" Changbin beamed, "I was waiting for this!"

"Let's start with the gifts!" Jeongin exclaimed.

Five minutes later, and they were gathered around in a circle, starting to pick chits of their names from a bowl. Jeongin started and drew out a chit, and opened it to see Hyunjin's name.

"It's Hyunjin!"

Hyunjin chuckled, and then drew out a pen from his pocket. Jeongin just stared at him.

"Guess what this is?" Hyunjin cheekily smiled.

"...a pen?" Jeongin deadpanned.

"No! It's a shock pen!" Hyunjin exclaimed, "If you press this button, then it gives you a shock! Try, try!"

Jeongin skeptically accepted it.

"And that's that," Chan nervously laughed, "Why don't you choose next, Hyunjin?"

And Hyunjin got Felix.

"You're gonna love this!" Felix giggled, drawing out scented candles from his bag that he had brought.

"Oh, my god! This is so sweet!" Hyunjin cried.

Next went Felix, and he got Minho.

And he gave him Calvin Klein boxers.

"This was costly, so you better only use it on the day you're gonna lose your virginity, if you know what I mean," Minho winked at the end.

"Thanks?" Felix laughed.

Minho went next, and he got Changbin, who gave him a stuffed bear, holding a heart which said 'i love you'.

"You could've used this one for your crush but thanks, bro," Minho patted his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Changbin dismissively spoke, picking up a chit and getting Jisung's name.

And Jisung proudly presented a coin.

"What the fuck?" Changbin exclaimed.

"It's not a regular coin!" Jisung spoke, showing everyone how he had glued another coin to the first one so that the two sides of the coin were the same.

"It's for good luck," Jisung tossed it at Changbin, and he caught it, sulking.

Jisung then got Seungmin, who sighed and looked around at everyone, and sternly spoke, "I want you to take good care of this. It's a part of my heart."

"Did you get me a puppy?" Jisung jumped up, and sat back down when Seungmin showed him his gift.

It was a Day6 album.

"Keep it safe and sound," Seungmin commanded him, and he gulped, nodding.

Seungmin then picked up the second last chit, getting Chan's name, and Chan jollily handed Seungmin a handmade scarf.

"Wear this when you feel cold," Chan smiled.

"You're so considerate, I swear to god," Hyunjin commented.

And finally, Jeongin was the one left to give the gift to Chan, and the older one cooed when he saw his gift: a snow globe.

"I'm dying of hunger, ahh!" Minho randomly screamed, and Felix exclaimed, "Let's have dinner!"

The boys got up and headed to the dining table, and Chan, standing behind the group, sighed in contentment. Yes, these were the guys who lit up his life.


Merry Christmas in advance! Get some of that holiday fat y'all, and stay warm!)

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