The Prison Break: Chapter 5

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Peter's POV

Peter was sitting on the couch, it was Saturday and he was tired, he and Gwen had just got back from a long patrol, unfortunately, crime seemed to be picking up, the boring slow day's Peter had been having a couple of weeks ago was no more. They seemed to find a robbery or mugging everywhere now. 

Gwen was in her room getting on some comfy clothes, Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts were on their date night so FRIDAY was on 'Baby Care Protocol' until the got back. 

Turning on the TV was a bad idea. 

Breaking News! Ryker's prison escape! Macdonald Gargan and his associate Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich Alex O'Hirn have broken out of prison along with 25 other minor inmates. 

Citizens are assured that the recently apprehended Adrian Toomes otherwise known as 'the Vulture' is still behind bars, be warned Macdonald and Aleksei are considered 'enhanced' individuals. 

If you spot one of these convicts, stay inside, and alert the authorities! These people are classed as extremely dangerous!

At that moment Gwen walked in and saw the tail end of the broadcast.

"So to baddies and their goons are out of jail? What is their deal?" 

"Well this Aleksei and Macdonald were past members of the Vultures gang, I apprehended them recently. They are both enhanced with alien technology, Aleksei grew to an enormous size and had extreme super strength and durability, and Mac here had enhanced speed and agility. The last time I fought either of them Aleksei preferred physical combat and Mac fought with blades, tough but not impossible. With both of us, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

"Alright how about tomorrow we wake up early and search for them, could get us some credit in the public eye?" 

"That sounds good I'll alert FRIDAY"

Gwen and Peter went to their rooms after telling FRIDAY they were going to bed. 

3rd Person, Unkown Location

Phineas Mason or the 'Tinkerer' was talking with his former associates as he worked on two different suits. 

"When will they be ready?" Mac asked, the recently escaped convict seemed impatient, 

"Don't worry Mac, these suits were already almost done, I'm just breaking through the firewalls and adding some adjustments, they'll be done by tomorrow." 

"Good," said an extremely large man with a Russian accent, Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich Alex O'Hirn was also in the room observing his coworkers, "Than we crush the spider!" 

"Spiders" Phineas corrected, "People sighted another one recently, she calls herself Ghost-Spider."

 "No problem...Aleksei will crush both spiders" now it wasn't that Aleksi was stupid (though that was debatable) Aleksei just didn't know much English, so his vocabulary was limited. 

Mac continued "Boss almost got one by himself, don't worry Mason, the two of us can handle it" 

"Now just asking why did you spring all those goons, yet not the boss?" Phineas asked. 

"Boss understands, we have someone on the outside, they say they have a plan, Toomes is just not in play yet" 

Mac looks towards the suits, one was extremely large and gray, the other looked agile and was a sickly green. 

"We'll get 'em this time!" 


Gwen's POV

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