Chapter 4

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My heart was racing. I didn't know what to think. Sitting across from me was the director of Hydra.

Red Skull.

The Johann Schmidt sat right across from me. How he got out from the Tesseract? Hell if I know. All I knew was that something bad was going to happen sooner or later.

His baby blue eyes stared me down as I raised my arm to brush my hair back. His red skull had the most amazing bone structure. The jaw line and cheek bones were outlined in such a way that it was impossible to believe the human skull could be so beautiful. He rubbed the non-existing stubble on his chin with his black gloves and creased his forehead. "Zee most beautiful sings come out of dark places, Ms. Bithry. Hydra is my most precious gift to zee world. If only zey vould understand. I'm not here to destroy or take over zee planet. I need someone who vill stand vis me in zis company vis pure loyalty. I need an apprentice." He cocked his head slightly, making sure I was still paying attention. Of course I was. One of the most hated men on the planet was sitting right in front of me. How could I not? "It seems like you are zee perfect kandidate, don't you sink?"

I smiled shyly and crossed my legs. "You flatter me, really. I am very loyal to you, my leader, but why not other agents?" I glanced at the dead agent on the floor. A bullet was lodged in his brain. A sad death for someone who didn't follow simple orders. Or should that be a warning with big red arrows pointing at the body? Would he kill me?

"Vye? You're zee most loyal agent here. Vich shtrikes me as odd because of your background." His blue eyes hardened and inspected my reaction.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Excuse me?"

He studied me before continuing. His eyes glimpsed over me and tried to arise another reaction out of me, maybe hesitation or a sense of lying. "You vere teshted on by someone wis zee same intentions as Hydra. Vye vould you possibly vork for us?"

I knit my eyebrows together and looked at him curiously. He was trying to crawl under my skin. I could not let him succeed. "Change of heart. He made me what I am today and I'm proud of the things we could achieve together if I just collaborate."

The room fell silent and the tension thickened. He leaned back against the chair and a grin played on his lips. "Or vork secretly for zee Avengers."

I sat up and almost pointed my finger at him. Throwing accusations around would get him nowhere. I knew how to lie. I just had to keep it together. "Why in the hell would I do that?"

He ticked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and his eyes lit up instantly. Something clicked in his head, and I was afraid to know what. He rubbed his hands together and smoothed out his black leather jacket. I noticed the red Hydra symbol on the sleeves, like when the Nazis put the swastikas there. "Vord got around zat you vere at Captain America's place ven it blew up."

"Sir, I think that's just a rumor. I'm going to let you in on something." I leaned in closer and stated, "Other agents want me out of here because of how good I am at my job. Some may call it jealousy, others will call it selfishness. They can call me or say what they want. I call it a bunch of impulsive slander."

"Such shtrong vords koming from a fellow agent," Schmidt responded shortly. He licked his teeth and held back a smile. There was no fury in his eyes, which was almost worse than when there was. He had a trick up his sleeve.

I almost dug my nails into the arm of the chair. This is bad...This is bad... I kept repeating in my head. All I could think about was that I could be part of the cause of the apocalypse. This guy was all business, and not the good kind. The feeling vibrated off of his aura and struck me. "I was at my apartment at the time. How could they know I was there?"

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt