Chapter 8

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Zac Efron (Luke)--------->

"How are you?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. Turning to look I saw Preston standing behind me, his back pack hanging off one shoulder. 

I smiled, or well attempted a smile. Monday's just weren't my days. Add in the no sleep I got, and the creepy text I got from Jared last night equals bad mood. 

When we got home Saturday Brayden and I cleaned the house out of all alcohol material. We normally don't have any in the house since we both weren't drinkers, but Carmen sure knew how to hide things from us. So we cleaned all alcohol and cigarettes out of the house. We talked to her boss to try to get her back her job, but since she trashed one of the rooms before she ran away he officially fired her and she wasn't allowed to be near the building. So we were stuck with a mother with no job and was always getting drunk.  

Luckily Brayden had set up a bank account for me and him separate from our mothers so she wouldn't be able to access our money. And her's was empty due to all the alcohol and useless s_it she buys. If she wanted money she's going to have to find a job. And we told her that too, she was beyond pissed and stayed in her room all day yesterday, only coming out to get something to eat. For the most part Brayden and I had ignored her and she did us.  

Then last night I had gotten a creepy text from Jared. He had told me he would be seeing me soon. Hence why I got no sleep last night, I was too worried he'd try to get into the house or was waiting for me to be alone. So I stayed up all night worrying over what he meant and how he got my new number, only few people had it, Scott, Brayden, Sasha, and Natalie.  

I had showed Brayden the text this morning and he confiscated my phone, telling me that he'd get me a new one with a new number. I was surprised at his calm over the situation; nothing broke or went flying when he read the message. He was tense and formal but I knew it was for show right now, he will most likely be at the gym today blowing off steam. 

School wasn't as bad; I slept through most of it. Katy wasn't at school today so because of her absents her clones didn't really know what to do so they lay off me for once. It was a nice little break, too bad I didn't get to enjoy it since I was beyond paranoid. The group didn't act strange around me when I arrived. I was prepared to get strange looks for my strange behavior Friday night, but they didn't even mention it. 

"Tired," I replied back. "Find a place to sit, and I'll be right there."  

He nodded and looked around the small coffee shop. Hearts Coffee Shop was built and ran by Mr. Heart and Mrs. Heart, an old couple who have lived here since they were born. They started the shop together right after they married when they were nineteen. It was a little shop that had coffee, hot chocolate, little desserts, cake, pie, cookies, and muffins, all homemade with their own secret recipe.  

"Janice, I'm going on my thirty minute break." I said once I was behind the counter. 

"Ok dear, thanks for letting me know." She said coming out from the back.  

I nodded and grabbed two of her famous chocolate mousse cakes with white frosting. Placing some money into the register I made my way over to Brayden. He had chosen the window seat; sliding into the booth across from him I placed one of the cakes in front of him. 

He looked up in surprise. "What's this?" He asked. 

I smiled, "An after school snack of course." I said pushing a fork in his direction.  

He smiled and took a piece of cake onto his fork. I watched anticipating his reaction; Janice's cake was like heaven. If you think you have had the best cake around you are mistaken, her's will always over power anyone else's. She's been known to win our baking contest held at the carnival every year. No one can beat her sweet taste. 

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