Welcome! (Part-1)

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Hello my name is rasgajag and I am a mc dev I create mods some of mine are used on smaller creators smps if you would like an example of mods I have made or working on I will be creating a website with everything on it!

Now onto the fun stuff like how this will work and how you guys can play let's set some rules,

Wattpad tos apples
No nsfw suggestions
No bullying or hate suggestions
No anti lgbtq+ suggestions
That is all for the rules now let's actually get into making the mod.

How this will work

You will make a suggestion in the comments at the end of the chapter it will be marked as Comment here* so it will be easy to find you will vote on comments my replying to the one you like the best!

What can I suggest

Anything really as long as it apples to rules above

Will there be a way to test the mod

Yes like I said every week I will be updating my website with a download link and a version number!

Will I get credit

YES! Of course I wouldn't have it any other way!

Can I document this in video or use it in a way like that?

By all means please do just credit me!

That's it thanks for reading -ras

Comment here!

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