Chapter 6

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    My alarm rudely interrupted an amazing dream I was having, about Jonah and I. Already, the dreams have begun and I've only met him once for a whole 5 minutes. Ugh. I rolled out of bed, getting tangled in the sheets, smacking my face on the floor. Ah yes... good morning, Lily.

    My clock read 6am, work started at 7 and it was a 15 minutes walk to the bar from the cabin. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans and Hunter green v-neck tshirt. I knew it would get too hot in a sweater at work. Wearing my signature brown square toe cowboy boots, I got comfy at my vanity. I swiped on a some light foundation and neutral toned eyeshadow and black wing. Added my mascara, blush and lipstick, I was ready to go in 30minutes. Thank God I had dried my hair the night before, so straightening it was a quick breeze that didn't take hardly any time and I was able to walk out the door just in time. Locking the door behind me, I let a shiver against the cold chill.

    Pushing open the door to the bar, I was met by the smell of Lysol cleaner and alcohol. A young boy, roughly my age was behind the bar, wiping it down and stocking the bar. He looked up with a confused face before smiling.

   "You must be Lily! I'm Jake... I'm not a member yet, but I will be soon.. I work here too. Here, put this on", he said while Tossing me a black v-neck with the clubs logo on the back and the bars name, Hell's Bar, on the front left corner. I ran to the bathroom, changing quickly, shoving my old shirt into my purse. Jake showed me my locker in the back that I could put my things in, before hanging me a small waist apron.

    "I'm really nervous, but I've been studying like crazy." I chuckled nervously. I was excited, but scared to death. Jake just gave me another confused look.

    "You're just gonna be a waitress... I mean totally a back up bartender in case we need you, but mainly a waitress. There's a lot of guys in the club, and sometimes we host other clubs if we have meetings... also... watch out for the whores", he said with An eyeroll.

    "The... whores? What whores?" I said shocked.

    "The club whores. The other girls that work here in the bar and try to get claimed as a mate by ANY of the members... especially high ranking ones. They'll sleep with anything than walks... nasty. Some of the guys just see an easy lay, but most of them are actually looking for their real mate." Jake said with a shudder and a laugh. Gross... they can have them, if that's what these guys are into. I just nodded and started setting up the waitress station. I was going to be the only one on until dinner.

    Soon, the breakfast crowd rolled in, including the Alpha and a few of the men I met a few days earlier. They immediately took seats at the bar, ordering coffee and a breakfast plate. Alpha made small talk, asking how it was going and if I was enjoying my job. I'd get a 2hour break between breakfast and dinner. Jake let me know that the dinner rush was always hectic, and that's when the whores would come out. The breakfast bunch was easy, as not a whole lot of the member stayed to eat, really just ordering coffee to get woke up and start their day. I think the fact that it was mainly older men helped as well.

When lunch rolled around, I was allowed to go on my break, choosing to go home and eat and freshen my makeup. I would have loved to have a nice nap, but decided against it.  I decided to instead, curl my hair at the ends, hoping that making myself a little prettier would bring in better tips. I did a darker Smokey eye and lipstick to go along with it. It was a lot bolder than I was used to, but maybe I would fit in better with the crowd. Giving myself 15 minutes to make it back to work, I began my short walk back to the bar.

    The smell of alcohol and cigarettes  interrupted my senses as I opened the door, the smell wafting out. I quickly made my way to the back and shoved my purse into my locker, throwing on my apron and grabbing my note pad. Pushing open the swinging kitchen door, I was met by a cheap looking blonde with bright red lipstick, smacking her gum.

    "Who the hell hired this kid?" She snarled, flipped her obvious extensions over her shoulder.

    "Me? I'm... im Lily? I just started this morning?  I'm a new waitress", I stepped back to avoid her nails.

   "Whatever. Just stay out of my way. I'll do whatever it takes to get claimed by one of the guys", she growled out, walking away.

    Eww, I thought to myself. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to my first table, a group of 4 men sitting at a high top table. The men were not very subtle as they looked me up and down, undressing me with their eyes. I was pretty disgusted and quickly took their order, delivering it to the bar and kitchen. The night was going smoothly, till I approached a group of men that had just sat at a table in the center of the room. Pushing up my glasses, I put a smile on and approached them.

    "Hey guys, in Lily. What can I get you this evening?" I asked, getting my pen ready.

    "How about a piece of that tail I've heard you've been shaking all night?" He said with a smirk. Ummm... what?

    Taken aback, I said, "What? I've not been shaking any tail to anyone. Just doing my job as a waitress ... now.. without the rude comments, what can I get you for dinner. And ass is not on the menu."

"You better respect me little girl! I am a patched member! You better watch yourself! " he growled out with a sneer. I stepped back, suddenly afraid of this man.

That encounter made me nervous for the rest of the night. While picking up the last of the glasses from the empty tables, I heard a low growl, and jerked my head up to find the source. There in the back corner, in the dark, sat Jonah. He didn't say anything, just stared with those black eyes. I have a small smile and a nod, and carried on with my work. Jake kept me laughing all night when he thought I was stressed. He was sweet, funny, good looking. Not really my type, as I always had a thing for older, but he was nice.

When I started home, it was really dark and cold. Feeling a little nervous, I made my strides long and quick to get home. Glancing behind me, I saw a tall dark figure lingering on the corner of a building. Every time I looked back, it got closer. As I stepped onto my porch, the figure was standing more into the light from a post.


What was he doing? Was he following me? Either way, I suddenly felt safer than before, knowing he was watching. I felt as though I could trust him, but I wasn't for sure. He was so mysterious. I stepped into the house and Locked the door behind me. I was tired, worn out, ready for bed. My first day was stressful, but i knew I could handle it. Crawling into bed, I fell straight to sleep.


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