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Jaxon's POV

As soon as I said what I said to her I regretted it . I saw the hurt flash through her eyes and I saw tears start to well up .

"You hurt mate " growled Odysseus

" I know I did , but it's what I have to do " I told Odysseus

" no it's not , your sister would be mad at you if she found out what your doing to your mate . " he growled at me

" no , she'd be mad that I betrayed her by being with a vampire " I told him .

But the longer I think about the longer I wonder if it's true . Or is it just me making up excuses .

I saw her leave and head down the hallway . I sighed as I got up and headed to where we had first been , the giant living room .

I had been sitting there looking out the window , when I saw my mate go out and head towards this pond they had out there .

I saw her sit down and saw as she dipped her fingers in the water and the water starting going up her hand and wrapping around her hand .

I leaned closer to the window as I saw the air around her pick up and the water start to lift out the pond.

Wow , she really was beautiful.

" Amazing isn't it " I heard behind me

I looked back to see Ares looking out the window as well .

" I don't understand why you won't give her a chance , she's amazing and what she is and can do makes her even more amazing and beautiful. She's a gift , given to you " Said Ares as he continued to look out the window.

" I know ... but I can't ." I said as I saw her sister come out and say something , and next thing you know she smirked and ran inside pulling her sister .

" oh god this isn't good " mumbled Ares as everyone else came in

" what " said Asher

" Soul has that face " he mumbled

All of her brothers looked up at that . And I saw sapphire smirk as well .

I really want to give in , I hate treating her like this . But I know it's the only way . If I don't push her away and make her hate me I'm going to fall . And I can't do that to my sister .

" come on sapphire " I heard my mate say causing me too look away from the window .

Her and her brothers starting talking about I don't know what , I was too busy admiring her . She really was the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen . From her natural curls , to her beautiful body . To the way her dimples would pop up when she smiled to the blush she'd get on her cheeks when she was mad or embarrassed. Or to the way she looked at me ,Which I always noticed .

I'm so close to giving in , I've barely talked to her and I know I'm already in love . I hate to admit it , because I don't want to .

What happened to my sister was horrible , and I know souline would never do anything like that . But the guilt I feel for being with a vampire is overpowering everything.

I saw her run to the girls as she looked at everyone .

" goodbye brothers "she said and winked .

And then they were gone .

" Where the hell did she just go " I asked standing up and out my seat.

" That right there is a typical Souline move " said Nick sighing

" Well let's go " said Elijah

" How do y'all know where they went " said Justin

" Where she always goes " said that dude Liam

" And where is that " said Alex

" you'll see " said Noah as he smirked and got up

We all got up and got our car keys just as all the adults came in .

" where are y'all going " said Alpha Michael

"Souline did it again " said Asher

" That girl , when will she learn " said alpha Micheal

" babe just let them have fun , she needs it " said Luna Isabella as she looked at me

" Just be careful , you know how she gets especially right now with her emotions all over the place " said alpha Micheal

" I know dad " said Ares as we all walked out the door and to our cars

30 minutes later we were pulling up to what looked like a night club .

" This girl has taste " said Alex smirking

" that she does " said Noah

We walked and and it was huge , it was packed I could smell that there were not only vampires here but all kind of supernatural beings .

We spotted the girls and headed to the private area where they were at , but I didn't see my mate .

She better not be dancing with no other male , or Odysseus is coming out to play .

We sat down and I saw her sisters eyes widen as they looked behind me and then at me . I was about to turn around when some Barbie blocked my view .

" Excuse me " I growled out

" hey there cutie , want to dance " she said as she started touching my arm and batting her lashes which to me looked like spiders dancing on her eyes.

" No" I said as I pulled her off me

" Oh come on , you know you want to " she purred

" No , now leave . I'm pretty sure you know who your talking to so disobey my orders again and there will be consequences. " I growled at her

She showed her neck submitting and walked away I finally looked behind me and what I saw had my blood boiling .

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