Chapter One

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It was an average day for most. But for the Jackson-Blofis household it was moving day. Sally and Paul had decided to move from the apartment to a house outside the city. They were finally able to move as they had gotten the extra money. Sally's book had taken off and allowed the happy family to live life more luxuriously. Percy couldn't be prouder.

The house was bought. Percy nor Estelle had been to it yet because it was a 'surprise'. But from what they had been told it sounded perfect.

Everything was in boxes, apart from the furniture. But it was all being carried downstairs into a van.

After the couch was carried out, the apartment was empty. Percy was the only one in there. Sally, Paul and Estelle were all in the car. Percy just wanted one last look around.

He remembered all the memories. All the good, all the bad. Smelly Gabe constantly bossing his Mom around, his 'friends' always over gambling and drinking with him. How he terrified Percy, how Percy and his Mom would escape him by going to Montauk. When Gabe was finally gone. When Percy and his Mom could live life comfortably, without worrying about Gabe wasting all their money gambling. When Tyson would come over, when Annabeth came over. All his birthdays. Celebrating his birthday with Annabeth, Tyson and Grover after the war, celebrating that they survived. When he took Nico home and Sally basically adopted him.

Percy sighed. He would miss this place.

His phone rang, cutting off his thoughts. Leo had managed to make a phone that didn't attract monsters. It was pretty cool, far easier to talk to other demigods in public. An iris message is actually hard to hide, even with the mist.

Percy answered it, "Hello?"

Sally's voice came over the phone, "Percy can you come down now? Estelle wants ice-cream and she wants you to have one too."

"Yeah, I'll come down. Love you."

"Love you too."

A beep singled the end of the call. Percy turned around and immediately froze. Gaea stood in front of him. Even though she was awake it was easy to tell that she was dirt-face.

Percy flicked the cap off riptide.

Gaea smiled, "Ah Perseus, that blade of yours cannot hurt me. I am not here." She walked towards him, or more like the floor moved her closer to him. "You defeated my children and prevented me from awakening. I would rather do this with all of your little friends here but I am unable to touch them in those pesky little camps. But you, you are not under any protection."

Percy backed away from her, "What are you going to do? Kill me?"

"I have something else in mind." The floor rose up to Percy's chest. She put a hand on his forehead and pain spread along his body. Percy screamed as his blood boiled. All his will to fight drained away. Everything twisted and turned. Gaea's cruel smile was the only thing that stayed still.

The pain faded as fast as it came. Percy felt powerful, like he could take on the world. The earth wrapped around him began to shake.

Gaea looked at him with pure hatred in her eyes, "It will not be my doing that shall cause your downfall. It will be your own." She laughed and disappeared.

Percy was alone again. The earth fell from around him in clusters, but everything else still shook violently.

"Wait no, stop. Please," Percy pleaded but the earthquake continued. Cracks grew along the walls. They covered the floor like spiderwebs. The ceiling began to fall apart.

Gaea words played over in his head. It will not be my doing that shall cause your downfall.

It will be your own.

Percy tried to run for the door but the ground fell away beneath him. As he fell he only thought of one thing. Dad, help.

He thought he would hit the apartment below, but he kept falling. The building collapsing as he fell through floor after floor.

Dad, please help.

The exhaustion took over and Percy slipped away. Away from the realm of the awake and into the domain of Morpheus. Percy collided with the ground, the building falling on top of him. Burying him in a pile of rubble.

Perseus, God Of Natural DisastersWhere stories live. Discover now