Rough All Over~ Kol Mikaelson

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I followed close behind an angry Kol, struggling to keep up with how fast he
was walking. We got to the house and Kol slammed the door open forcefully, mumbling something to himself. I frowned as I watched him walk to the liquor cabinet.

I had glitter all over my chest and I had spilled salsa down the front of my dress. Kol found me on top of some random frat guys kitchen island, dancing and having a stupid time.

The problem was that Kol got jealous easily and it was a pain in the ass, throw in a reservation date to a fancy restaurant I totally forgot about and you get and angry Kol trying not to be angry but failing miserably.

"Kol?" I said, my voice small for fear that he would yell. I hated fighting. "I'm sorry." I looked down at my hands, blinking in shame.

"I know you are." He glared. "You'd rather be doing something stupid with people I don't even know than spending time with me." He said. I frowned, the panic rising in my chest.

"Of course not. You're the one who never wants to do anything with me." I said, finding his eyes. I almost blushed.

"Can you please stop making everything about that?" Kol breathed out. I drew closer to him, my hand sliding up to his chest. "You're drunk, let's just forget about this and talk about it in the morning." He swallowed.

"I'm not drunk, Kol." I pushed off his jacket. "I just want you to show you how much I care about you." I ran my hands up, cupping his face and kissing him. "And how much I'd rather be spending my time..." I breathed in between another kiss as I guided his hands around my waist. "With you."

Kol pulled away, starting towards the stairs. "What's your problem, Kol? Am I not good enough for your original status?" I glared, following him up the stairs. He stopped, turning to face me. "It's really no big deal, Kol." I made puppy eyes. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

"No." Kol gritted his jaw, looking into my eyes. He was obviously lying and I could tell with how hard he gripped the staircase railing and tried so hard not to turn me into a pile of goo, we both knew he could.

"Bullshit. You want me." I grabbed his hand and he pulled away again, turning around and continuing upstairs.

I ran in front of him, holding my arm out to his stomach. "Hey, I'm talking to you, Kol. You can't just push me away like this whenever you feel like it."

"Get out of my way." He said. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, his mouth opening immediately at the familiarity. He didn't kiss me back, instead he pushed me back.

I frowned again. I knew he could easily throw me out the window or kick me through the ceiling but he just continued rejecting me for his own wicked satisfaction.

"What's your damage? Why don't you just fuck me?!" I struggled to spit out the words in anger, my blood boiling as I grabbed his button up shirt in my fists. "You may not want to fuck me, Kol, but there were plenty of other men at that party perfectly willing to."

His head snapped and I regretted the words as soon as I saw the look in his eye.

"You want to be fucked?" Kol scowled. He vamped me against the marble wall and I gasped, his hand wrapped around my neck, almost crushing my jaw. "I'll fuck you." He spat, jerking my dress up around my waist. In one swift motion his pants were around his ankles and he was inside me.

I clung onto him, my nails digging into his clothed back, I held the hot air in my lungs, if he had gone any faster I wouldn't have been able to handle it. The feeling of every part of him inside of me as he held me against the wall.

His movements weren't the least bit gentle or careful, he pounded into me relentlessly, burying his face in my neck, refusing me the propriety of looking into my eyes.

I was all I wanted anyways, he had built up a sturdy wall all these months refusing to be affectionate in this way, and now we stood in the crumbles of it.

He didn't say anything, his breath was ragged and he let out grunts and growls, his death grip shifting from my throat to my ass. I cried out as he brought me into him with each quick and merciless movement.

I felt Kol beginning to coil up, his stomach pressed against mine, I held him as close as possible as he froze and came, letting out a choked groan.

He let me go and I leaned against the wall for fear that I'd stumble and fall if I tried to walk. I watched Kol as he fixed himself, my breathing shaky. He carried me to the bedroom. "I'm sorry, okay? I love you, darling, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay. Just come here." I hugged him, pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth. "I love you, Kol."

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