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Its been one month since we got here and even though Pilar and Victor have met the soon to be alpha I haven't and neither has Chance, we have been focused on our homework, training and taking care of Luna. We finally got one class together which is physical education, we always end up in the same team no matter what which is fun and today we are playing soccer which is my favorite sport and not to brag I am the best in this sport.

"Okay, everybody we are playing soccer today and we will be in teams. Chance will be the chosing one team and Guillermo will pick the other team, gentleman please step forward and stand next to me so you can start chosing your teams" the couch said

"Chance you can pick first" Guillermo said

"Pick me last, remember that I am human and everybody will not think much if I am picked last" I said through mind link

"Okay" he answered

By the time that it was down to just me and one last werewolf, I knew I was the last to be picked.

"I will take Mike" Guillermo said

"Fine I will take Sel" Chance said with a big smile on his face

"Fine with us, what can a human do with the speed of a werewolf" Silvano said

"Wait and see Silvano, wait and see" Chance said

The couch through the ball at me and chance smile got bigger, I smiled back and started to do my regular drills that I used to do when we were back home. All eyes were on me and I could tell that they were not expecting to see a human be able to control the ball like I did, I kicked the ball towards the goal on the other side of the field making the ball fly over Guillermo's team straight to the goal net.

"Like I said wait and see" Chance said

"Let the game begin" the couch said

We started the game and before anyone knew it we were winning the game three to nothing, all of a sudden I was being blocked by the other team. When I was finally free I was kicked the ball and right away Guillermo was in front of me blocking my way, I kept the ball between my legs moving it side to side with my feet as I looked at him.

"You are not getting pass me" he said

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is" I said

"Fine, $20 you don't pass me" he said

I moved a three steps back and grabbed the ball with my feet before jumping while flipping in the air over Guillermo, when I landed I kicked the ball in to the goal before the couch blew the whistle ending the game.

"You owe me $20" I said as I passed Guillermo without looking at him

Chance placed his hands around my waist and kissed my head before we heard a loud growl which made everyone turn around to see a very pissed off Guillermo, his friends went to him and tried to calm him down but it wasn't working I looked up at Chance and I could tell that he was having a stare down with Guillermo for what ever reason.

"Come on Chance, mom wants us back home right after school" I said pulling on his arm

"Yeah lets go" he said as he pulled me closer to him and we walked towards the locker rooms

"Meet you out here when I finish changing" I said

"Okay" he said

After changing I grabbed my book bag and walked outside to find Guillermo and Chance about to fight, I ran and got between them just as Chance was going to throw the first punch but stopped as soon as he realized that I was in front of him.

"What is going on here" I asked

Guillermo pulled me towards him and placed his arms around my waist making sparks go everywhere, I kept my eyes on Chance and then down on Guillermo's arms around my waist.

"MINE" Guillermo growl

"I belong to no one" I said as I stomped on his foot making him let go of me

"You are mine little girl" Guillermo said

"And I said that I don't belong to anyone but myself, now if you will excuse us we have to be on our way" I said as I grabbed Chance and walked away from everybody who was looking at us

When we got in the car I placed my head on my hands and let the tears drop, Chance staid quiet all the way to the house where we noticed that Pilar and Victor were still not home. When we got in to the house I went to my room and Luna was right by my side whinning as I cried, Chance walked in and sat next to me allowing me to lay my head on his lap as he brushed my hair with his fingers.

"You know that you did what you had to do right" he said

"I know but it still hurts" I said

"I know girl, I know" he said

"Come on we have to get ready for the dinner, mom and dad are going to be here any minute and we shouldn't let anyone see you like this" he said

"Okay" I said

I got up and headed to my closet, after grabbing a black knee length dresss with lasy material around the stomach area I walked to the bathroom and started to take a shower. I changed into my dress and dried my hair before hiding my beautiful nature white and black hair under the wig that I have to wear, then I placed by contacts in hiding my ice blue eyes.

"Hey how are you feeling" Chance asked as he walked in

"Good, I'm going to take Luna out for her walk before dinner" I said

"Do you want me to go with you" he asked

"No I can take care of myself" I said

I walked down the stairs and grabbed Luna's leash before putting it on Luna's collar, I walked out of the house with Luna walking next to me. We made it to the park and I let her run around for awhile before we headed back to the house, as we got closer the more his scent hit me and the sadder I got. By the time I got to the house Luna was growling which made me laugh, I opened the door and walked in taking the leash off of her collar. When I turned around I saw Guillermo standing in front of me, Luna got in between us and started to growl and show her teeth at him making everybody come out of the dinning room.

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