Seeds of Doubt

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(What's up kiddos, daddy has purchased the milk and finally come back to you. To explain in short, adult life hit like a fucking truck. Especially after joining the military, my time became nonexistent. I'm sure most of you have probably moved on to other stories or just better things in general. Cause let's be honest, you aren't reading this to be productive or anything. This is a time waster at best, maybe an inspiration to those few who have always wanted to write something like this themselves. But I digress. I will, without shame, admit that I don't remember things about my own story, and apologize if I fucked up the continuity or anything. But I truly do hope you enjoy. After you finish I'll have a little bit of a different tangent for you to read. But that can wait till after. Love you guys.)

"You dare come back to us with another one of your failures!" Regret bore rage in his eyes, but Sisze stared back without hesitation. "We prophets could sympathize with the uncertainty of your first encounter of this demon, but you mean to tell us that you let him go free?!"

"There were complications Noble Hierarchs. Unknown creatures-"

"You were provided a second chance, and an entire fleet to chase down a single ship. We cannot allow-" The Prophet of Truth raised his hand to silence Regret. "You have not inspired a great confidence in us Drazumee, but I see that you have with you a holo projector. What do you offer in defense of yourself?"

"I offer a glimpse at something far more dangerous than any demon." Sisze started the projection, allowing a multi-feed display of the massacre that had taken place aboard his ship. The three Prophets lost their initial momentum, with Regret and Mercy appearing disgusted.

"Do you know how these foul creatures got aboard your ship?" Truth appeared interested at the sight of the beasts.

"I have witnessed some of them opening portals to wherever they come from and allowing others through."

"This is troubling. Did you see the device that they used to do this?" Sisze felt a bit of his blood return to his face now that he was no longer standing before a verbal firing line. He cleared his throat and spoke with confidence he had lacked at first.

"That's what is most concerning, no technology was used by these creatures. Many seemed to lack even basic intelligence. They were a warrior race for sure, with only one among them who seemed to be intelligent."

There was a few seconds of silence where each of the three Prophets stared Sisze down before Truth let his thoughts be known. "Your story aligns with what Fallaeus has told us. He has been reporting your every move to us since boarding your ship. Fortunately it seems your loyalty is not in question, the same which can not be said for your efficiency."

Sisze felt his stomach sink. His mandibles started moving, but he quickly stopped them. Instead of letting his actual thoughts leak out, he did what was expected of him and groveled. "What would you have me do?"

"Your shortcomings, as blatant as they are, cannot be entirely blamed on your ability. Nonetheless there are examples to be made for failure, especially at your level. You will remain aboard High Charity and assist in assessing this new threat should it be encountered again."

"And what of my crew?" Sisze allowed himself to loose one of the many burning questions he had. Truth sighed

"Your remaining ships and their crews will be reassigned under Thel Vadamee with the exception of the Jiralhanae under Chieftan Fallaeus. Consider yourself fortunate that he has put in a good word, and treat him as your superior going forward. He will be keeping an eye on you until we can be sure you can better serve us going forward."

"I thank you Noble Hierarchs." Sisze bowed deeply before rising up and turning away from the Prophets. Each step towards the exit of the chamber felt like an eternity, and the cold stares he was receiving were no less obvious.

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