Chapter 2: A Challenge

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(Y/N):'The stadium looks boring as fuck..'

There is a lot of people gathering at the stadium, as I stand there with an irritated face.Emma was by my side, as I tapped my foot in order to pass through the time.

(Y/N):"How many people are there..?"

Emma:"Our schedule includes 3 classes for each time we go to the arena for battle practice, including us.Each class must be the Upper Minors, Semi-Minors, and Minors.We are the Semi-Minors."

(Y/N):*smirks* "Huh, so we are halfway good.."

Emma:"Well, you can say we also have to teach the Minors as our mentors, the Upper Minors!"

(Y/N):"So we are also becoming mentors for them.."

Emma:*smiles* "Yep, that's right!"

I felt that smile pierce through me, it made me wanna remember that bad memory, yet why is it calming..

Emma:"Is there anything wrong..?"

(Y/N):"It's nothing..besides, why the hell are we waiting anyway.."

Emma:"The Upper Minors are using the arena right now, so we have to wait for our turn.The alarm is only for a reminder that we are having our session for training soon.We are next after all."

(Y/N):'Unlike Kenbutsu Kaen Academy, the minors always go first..'

Emma:"I can tell you are a great fighter, you are the Silent Black after all!"

(Y/N):"That was a year ago, until a tragedy struck.."

The memories flooded back into my head, the face of the whore's face entered into my mind as I shook it off.

Emma:"Huh? What do you mean by tragedy..?"

(Y/N):"It's none of your business, besides..what kind of Style do you use anyway..?"

Emma:"Fence Style! I feel flexible and fast with a rapier!"

(Y/N):"Not a popular Style, but it is powerful indeed.Your weapon is about water pressure if I see it correctly.."

Emma:"My weapon uses the water vapour that is released from it, and I can send in powerful waves that can give an impact to water.Whether shockwave or attack, I can damage my opponent easily.It works well in underwater too!"

(Y/N):"For a Fence Style user with that kind of power is devastating overpowered.."

Emma:"Really? You think so?"

(Y/N):"Let's say you release water vapour from the tip of the rapier, what will happen? Maybe you will be able to penetrate someone will perfect defense, or if you are lightning are able to send multiple shockwaves in one minute."

Emma:"Why didn't I think up of that..?"

(Y/N):"A weapon is easy to read, think of it as a book..but you learn more from it as soon as the pages are coming together.."

Emma:"You really are a good teacher of this stuff."

(Y/N):"It all comes from experience.."

Everyone looked at the entrance of the arena, as if there is someone coming out of the way.It looked to be a person, along with his class.

???:"Now, please make way for me to exit."

Female Student 1:"Zelaz-sama~!"

Female Student 2:"You're so strong today!"

I raised an eyebrow, as I don't know who is this person is..

Emma:"You looked like you don't know him.."

Cheaters Never Become Great: Cheater x Male Reader x Loving! Roommate Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora