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IV. The Starks

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GERARD CAME downstairs from his bedchamber to find his younger sister, Sabrina Stark, arguing with the butler, McKenna, with his valet, Vinson, right in the middle. The valet was not attempting to stop the argument. But rather, he was joining it, as evidenced by his hands on his hips while he glared up at the giant butler the same way Sabrina was.

"All I am saying, McKenna, is that Miss Sabrina can do whatever she desires so long as Mr Stark allows it. And he allows it!" Vinson said while his sister looped her arm around the valet, nodding her dark blonde head in agreement.

McKenna sighed with controlled patience as he focused his eyes on Sabrina. His deep voice echoed around the hallway as he asked, "Have you asked your brother, Miss Sabrina?"

"Well, I do not have to, do I, Vinson?"

Vinson shook his light blond head. "You need not, Miss Sabrina."

"Then our discussion is over," McKenna sternly replied. "No permission from Mr Stark, no going out."

Vinson turned his head to Sabrina. "We should ask Mr Stark."

Gerard saw his sister's hand tighten around Vinson's arm.

His valet reluctantly turned and glared at McKenna. "I am his valet. I know he will say yes."

Sabrina eagerly nodded. "I am his sister. I very well know what he will say."

"Which is?" Gerard asked, loud enough to make the three people turn toward the staircase in varying states of surprise.

Sabrina's face brightened at will. "Ah, brother! A pleasant morning, isn't it?"

"What's this commotion?" he asked instead.

"Oh, nothing," Sabrina said, eyes evading his while she pulled Vinson away. "By the by, it passed my mind that I have instructions for you, Vinson. Come with me to the garden."

"But we can ask—"

"Hush!" Sabrina hissed at Vinson, dragging the man down the hall.

Eyes narrowed, Gerard turned to McKenna and asked, "What did they want this time around?"

McKenna's eyes rolled as he stretched from left to right, as though he had just been through a laborious day. "They want to get tickets for the Season Fair, sir."

"They are already selling tickets?"

"For some shows, yes."

He slowly nodded his head. "You did a good job, McKenna. But I have a feeling that if I didn't interfere sooner, you would have folded."

"I would have wrung your valet's neck, that's what I would have done, sir."

He chuckled. "Vinson!" he shouted as he walked away from McKenna. "Your master is looking for you and he might just throw you in front of a running carriage if you do not show yourself this instant!"

Vinson's running footsteps followed him into the breakfast room, and soon the valet breathlessly came to stand nearby.

"What are you planning with my sister, Vinson?"

Vinson blinked, feigning innocence. "Nothing, Mr Stark."

He narrowed his eyes at the man as the maid entered the room and served him tea. "You dare lie to me?"

The valet blinked multiple times. "I'm not lying, Mr Stark."

"You're deliberately hiding something from me."

Vinson blinked. Then he nodded after stealing the doorway a look.

"Ah, you cannot speak about it."

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