𝙲𝚑.5- 𝙰 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝

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~Rachel's POV ~

I suddenly feel my consciousness come back little by little. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in a doctors room which causes my heart to start to beat out of my chest. How did I get here? The last thing I remember getting rejected by Hunter, leaving the pack, and then I had an encounter with those 3 wolves. Then I remembered that I had passed out, but I was then slowly interrupted out of my thoughts by a cough. I suddenly smell a scent of Pine Trees and Cookie Dough. Its odd but it surprisingly works.

"Hi, are you feeling okay?" said the very gorgeous male next to me. Wow, was he good looking. I have this urge to kiss his plump lips. His hair looked so good, I wanted to run my fingers through it. He was 20x better looking than my ex-mate.

"Yeah, im okay. Just a little light headed. Um, who are you?" I questioned him with so much curiosity.

"I'm Alpha Tyler. Alpha of Shadow Moon pack, and you are?"
Oh wow an Alp- WAIT WHAT?!?! NO NO NO NO! Did he just say Shadow Moon Pack? They are the best and the most dangerous pack in the world. How long did I run for? They have a reputation to brutally kill any rouge in their territory. Oh fudge, im screwed.

"Uh- um.... i-i'm Rachel Daniels." I say nervously, scared for my life.

"If it's okay if I ask, why did you leave your pack? You don't look like an savage rouge." Tyler said.

"Um, if it's okay, I would rather not get into detail, but I can say is that I wasn't loved, at all. My parents were the Beta's-"

"Were?" he said.

"Yeah, my Mom died in child birth to me, and my Dad died in a rouge attack." I started to tear up, reliving those thoughts.

"Hey, it's okay. Please don't cry. I dont know what to do when women cry." he said in a frightened voice. This caused me to giggle a little. The big bad Alpha is scared of girls crying :)

I saw that my laugh had made him less nervous. He was about to reply until we heard the door open to see the doctor walking in.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Morrison. It reveals that you were suffering from dehydration and are malnourished. This is what caused you to pass out. The most important thing for you now is to eat healthy and fulfilling meals, and to drink a lot of liquids
If you don't mind, can I speak to Alpha outside?"

I nodded my head and sat down. Then, Alpha Tyler stood up and left with the doctor. I sat down patiently, waiting and trying to grasp what had happened to me.

~Doctor Morrison's POV ~

"What did you want to talk about Doc?" said Tyler with a concerned face.

"Alpha, there is no easy way to say this. But when she arrived, I noticed bruises and scars on her arms. Then after the procedure, I took another look and it turns out, she is covered in them. From head to toe. I've never seen anything like this. The only thing that I can conclude is she was abused very badly from whatever pack she came from or she bumped into too many trees on her run here."

I finally finished to see Tyler in shock. But to his dismay, I wasn't finished.

"Um, there is also another thing..... She ha- has cuts..... o- on her wrist. Meaning she might be...sui-"

"Suicidal. Oh gosh, my dear mate. Whenever I find who did this to her, I will rip them into shreds!" he said with so much determination.

"So I suggest Alpha, that you take it slow with her. No sudden movements and make sure she get plenty of rest and plenty of food. I will provide medication that will help improve the nutrients she lacks."

"Okay, is that all?"he asked

I nodded.

"Good, im going to go back to my mate and your future Luna." Tyler said and went back into the room.

~Rachel's POV ~

After a few minutes of peace and quiet, I see the door open to reveal the beautiful specimen of a man walk in. For some reason, that made me smile.

"Hey, me again. Are you feeling okay?" Tyler said.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said a little awkwardly.

"Um, so your my mate?" Tyler questioned. How did I not realize that? I was too focused on myself to even notice.

"I- I uh- guess your- mine." Why did I stutter so much?! I can't help it. His voice alone makes me nervous and all jittery. Then I stopped and realized....


Frost started to howl very loudly in my head! "We have another mate. Maybe he will accept us!" she said with so much joy and hope.

I doubt it. Look at us! We're abused and broken, why would Alpha Tyler want us? He'll probably just reject us. I said in reply to her comment.

I looked up to see Alpha Tyler looking sad. I'm pretty sure it's because we're his second chance mate. He's gonna reject us, I just know he is!

"I'm not gonna reject you. Your the most beautiful person that I have ever seen. I would be a fool to reject you." Alpha Tyler said with much passion.

How did he know what I was thinking? Major creep.

He then chuckled. Wow. I wouldn't mind hearing that every day.

" Since I'm your mate, I can hear your thoughts. Its a part of the bond that mates have. And thank you, I'm going to make it my duty to give you a laugh every day."

Awwww! said Frost.

Oh shut up! I said knowing my face was as red as a tomato. But I couldn't trust him that quickly, i just couldn't let my guard down.. He then decided to get up very quickly towards me. I flinched awaiting the impact of his hit.

But it never came.

I them opened my eyes to see Alpha Tyler almost crying. What? Why?

" I'm so sorry that they abused you. If I would have known before, I could have saved you. It tears me apart just at the thought of you being in harms way. " He said almost full on bawling now. What a shock.

Just the thought of him thinking that he would do anything to save me,made me want to cry. I felt this wave of sincerity and honesty come off of him. I could trust him. Its gonna take me some time, but I knew that I liked him. Maybe not loved just yet, but just the thought of him leaving me for even a second, made me sad.

I then did something unexpected, I never would have thought I would do.

I stood up and gave him a hug.

As soon as Alpha Tyler had realized what I had just done, and I had just pulled apart. I look up to see him blushing.
Aww he looks so cute.

"No." He said bringing me into confusion


"I'm not cute, I'm handsome and dashing. But not cute." He said very determined by my thought.

That antic had just made me laugh. He was to cu-- adorable.

He then lightly grabbed my hand and placed it in his palms.

"C'mon love, I need to show you your new home."
I have changed Tyler's wolf name to Aiden
Wow. Another chapter completed. It took me a while.

Sorry if there's a lot of grammatical mistakes, I just tried to rush this chapter out as fast as I could.

Love you all, plz remember to




And have a blessed day 🙏 😜💕

Rejected But Not Forgotten (Discontinued ) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant