Chapter 1- black

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This story is now off hold

(No ones pov)

Today was a day where you were leaving the comfort of your home, you hadn't moved anything around since you parents were infected. You didn't want to move the memories farther away, but today you had decided that you needed to move on a little bit. So you decided you were going to the market and buy some paint to the walls, that's all, nothing more.

Your neighbor Lydia would check in on you sometimes, make sure you were eating enough, at least she used to... she was sacrificed, just like pretty much any other female in the area, only you and few others remained.

And it scared you so much, the human population was starting to dwindle, your friends and family had been infected, and you cried for days on end. But you still took the time out of your day to say hello to every person who passed you with a smile, you just never understood that people could be bad. And it showed with the completely nonjudgmental aura you carried as you walked to the small market today.

You had changed into a white dress and (shoes of choice), you had started wearing some of your mothers clothing now, she always said you looked pretty in dresses, you hadn't listened until now.

"Hello frank!" You spoke in a peppy voice, greeting the man who ran a small apple store in the corner of the market, and just earning a grunt from him. And a few "hellos" to erupt across the street.

"WAIT NO DONT, PLEASE PLEASE IM NOT SOME CHOSEN ZOMBIE FREAK!!" A black haired women screamed as a few men in black dragged her away, she was kicking and sobbing as hard as she possibly could, this didn't deter the men though, they just continued dragging her down the street, and shoved her out of the gate.

You hated seeing this the most, you had tried to help the women a few times, but you just ended up getting pushed and hurt on multiple occasions. No one was allowed outside the gate, because all the infected are out there, if you go out you'll be infected. So the small community that had been created, was solely reliant on themselves.

Recently you hadn't seen any of the zombies near, and you had been hoping with all of your might that they had just migrated to another area, but that would make no sense because all the women went missing in the night... this is just too confusing?

"Hey y/n, you need something?" The owner of the paint store spoke to you from behind the counter. Everybody treated the women nicely, and tried to make their lives best, for they would be the ones sacrificed.

"Oh hey Ronnie, yeah, I'm gonna paint the walls in the house. I think I need to let it go for now... did you see the girl that was out of the gate this morning, I think I'm gonna be next" you spoke, sadness clear in your voice. The owner just gave you a sympathetic glance and asked for what color of paint you wanted. Telling you it was in the house.

"No ronnie I couldn't possibly take that from you! That wouldn't be fair" you exclaimed, just earning a small smile from the old man. He handed you the two paint cans full of f/c paint, he knew it was your favorite.

"It's okay y/n, now head on home and get to painting" he reassured, before ushering you out the door.

You had walked home with the paint cans in a fabric bag you had made yourself, on your way home you went the "short way", which was a small sidewalk in between the abandoned apartment buildings. It was dangerously close to the barb wire fence, where you hadn't noticed a figure staring at your moving frame.

'Found you' the strange "man" thought. Before  sprinting at an unhumanly fast pace down the streets, where the other thousands of undead were staying.

"I FOUND HER" he screamed throughout the entire building, causing many gasps to run through the rooms.

————————- back with you———————

"That's wierd, I thought I heard a noise?" You questioned under your breath as you turned towards the fence, staring at the dark road, you could've sworn you had seen someone on the other side? But no one could be outside?

"Ehh, I'm buzzing out for nothing" you shrugged and continued on your walk, disregarding the rustling on the other side of the metal, you didn't want to think about what could be over there at dawn. It couldve just been a squirrel or something, you guessed at least.

The walk home continued until you arrived at the small home you lived in, the abandoned city was very urban, with many tall building and apartments, the disease actually started here, in the nearby chemical factory.

The house was a small brick cottage like house, it had 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms, and one kitchen.  The walls were a pale beige, an ugly color if someone were to ask you

—————small time skip———-

The walls were wet with f/c paint, and you had now changed into pajamas, brushing out your h/c hair to the best of your ability, when you heard a knock on the front door. That's odd? Nobody ever came to your house, that's when you heard the banging on the front door.  There is absolutely no way that the person at that door is nice, it's like they're trying to break the floopiding door down!

"IF YOU DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR WE WILL BE FORCED TO KNOCK IT DOWN" a mans voice screamed on the other side of the front door, when you didn't reply, he did in fact start pounding on the door 10 times harder, to the point where his fist went through the door.

You saw three men through the door, one was... Ronnie? That's when you saw them,

The men in black


Hi, I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed at all. Often times I write a chapter and absolutely hate it, but then later I'll go back and see that I actually like it sooooo....

Okay anyways this books isn't on hold anymore so that's kewl.

Hope you have a good day byyyyeeeeeee


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