Chapter twenty seven

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I look over at the clock and sigh at the time. 5am, I'd have to be up soon for my appointment with the doctor. I locked myself in my parents room last night, childish I know, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to Jarell. I remake the bed before tiptoeing over to the door and peaking out. Seeing the hallway is empty, I slowly walk down the hallway to my room. The door is slightly cracked so I stick only my head in. Jarell in asleep in my bed with my teddy bear.

I walk as quiet as possible to my closet, I quickly grab my favorite grey hoodie before turning to my dresser so I could grab some white leggings and some underwear. I walk across the room to my bathroom and shut the door. As I stare at myself I notice how much not sleeping affects me, my skin is pale, I have these hideous bags under my eyes and I feel like I've been given heavy medication. I decide to take a cold shower to wake myself up.

Once I'm done in the shower I put on my lotion and clothes before opening the door to my room. Jarell was sitting up on the bed waiting for me. "Mama what's wrong? You left me in here last night." He frowns but all I feel is anger and hurt. "Can you just leave?" Confusion covers his face. Slowly he gets his things while I watch his every move. Before he leaves he kisses my forehead and promises to fix whatever that was bothering me. I wait for the sound of the front door before I allow myself to relax.

I decide to watch tv until it's time for me to go to the doctors. I stop at the twins house to pick up Tia who decided to spend the day with me instead of being at school. "Hey beautiful." She greets me as she climbs in my car. "Hey." I smile at her before reversing out of her driveway. "Can we stop at potbelly's for some food first?" Tia asks as she adjusts the seat to her liking. I check the time and decide that I have enough time to stop and grab something to eat.

"Tia can I get your advice on something?" We are sitting in the parking lot at potbelly's waiting on our food. "Yea." She turns her phone off and gives me her full attention. "So yesterday night when Jarell came over to spend the night something happened... a girl called his phone claiming to be his girlfriend." Tia frowns but says nothing. "I didn't want to face him about it last night because it was too fresh you know?" I reach inside my middle counsel and pull out my rolling tray. "I asked him to leave this morning, he doesn't know anything yet." Tia nods and pulls some weed out here purse. "Add that to that, can I be honest?" She runs her hand through her straight hair. "Always." As I roll the blunt she sits quiet for a moment. "Take your time, don't rush yourself to be ready. Ask him when you feel like your level headed enough to talk to him." The server walks up to my car with our food so I hand Tia the blunt.

"Yea but what if he lies?" She speaks the blunt then takes to hits before passing it to me. I type in the address of the doctors office and let my car do the driving. "Do you trust him? If not you shouldn't have agreed to date him. A relationship needs trust." As we stop at a red light my phone goes off indicating I got a message.
Donny: Meet me at the park at 4
I don't respond because he is the least of my worries now. My car pulls into the parking lot of the doctors office just as Tia is putting the blunt out. "Come on." I follow Tia like a lost puppy up to my appointment.

The doctor shines a light in my eyes one last time before telling me everything is fine. "Finish this week out by resting and keeping liquids by you. Next week you should be able to go back to school." He smiles and then leave the room. I get up from the bed and gather my shoes and purse. Tia is waiting for me in the lobby of the hospital, when I find her I notice she's talking to one of the male nurses. I sit in the chair around the corner so she doesn't see me.

My phone goes off but I don't feel like dealing with anyone right now. I shut my phone off and wait until Tia walks around the corner. "Oh hey!" She grabs my hand and practically drags me out of the hospital. "So I have a date Friday! Oh and he said he'll go to prom with me." She does a happy dance before getting into my car. "Does this mystery man have a name?" I wiggle my eye brows at her. "Yes his names Luca! He's a first year med student." I squeeze her shoulder, something the three of us do when we hear good news, "Well it's about time, I was starting to think I'll never get rid of you." She laughs before punching me in the arm.

"So how does fro-yo sound?"I don't even have to look over at her to know she agrees. After we get the frozen yogurt we head back to my place to relax and maybe have a movie marathon. When I pull into the driveway I see Stans car which confuses me because his father just died. Stanley and Sophia are sitting on the couch eating the fruit bowl Nancy left for me. "I hope you don't mind.. I can make you another one." Stanley sheepishly smiles at me. "It's fine, I thought you would be out of town." He shakes his head. "Nah I didn't really know my dad, just what my mom told me." He shrugs and I leave the conversation at that.

"So how does Tyler perry sound?" The twins agree but Stanley, he has no clue what we're talking about. "You have got to be kidding me! He's one of the best directors/actors of all time!" I grab the remote off the table and decide to start with everyone's first choice by him, Madea. By the middle of the movie Stanley is agreeing that Tyler Perry was the best choice for tonight.

Feeling drowsy I walk to the kitchen and take a sip of orange juice to try and wake myself up. When I get back to the living room I decide I lay down on the couch, I lay my head in Tias lap and stretch my legs out. Thank god Stanley and Sophia chose to sit on the floor. Before the movie was even over I ended up falling asleep.

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