A C-Rank Mission - Enemies Revealed

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"Well, he's a lot better off than I thought he would be." Hana began, speaking to Kakashi, even as she performed her diagnosis jutsu. "He's just resting at the moment, and as far as I can see, there's no lingering damage to his head, but it would be wise if he was given a more thorough look-over in Suna. He is suffering from minor chakra exhaustion, but I'll be able to help him with that fairly easily, at least enough to get him on the move again. As far as our actual mission goes, our most pressing concern is his broken bones." Hana stopped her jutsu, the green chakra that had been surrounding her hands as she worked fading away, and turned her attention to Kakashi. "His arm is broken quite severely, and it will take some time to heal enough to move him, even with my medical ninjutsu. His leg, is not so bad, and given there a no complications I can have him up and moving, with help, within a few hours. However as a medic, I'd have to recommend that we keep him still, at least for another few hours, so I can try and cut down on the risk of further damage when we do try to move him. Ideally, I'd need three or four hours hours. But if we absolutely need to, we can be going in two, possibly less if someone helps him move."

Kakashi pondered over what the teams appointed medic had said. In theory, they should stay for as long as needed, in order to make sure Baki got patched up properly before they got moving. But Kakashi had a bad feeling about this mission. The Suna Jonin had gotten a pretty banged up by whoever it was that attacked him, and had managed to take out the Jonin's two team-mates, which meant that they were pretty good. Then there was the matter of Baki's 'cargo', which was most likely the enemies' target, but if that was the case, why did they retreat? Kakashi doubted that Baki had managed to kill all three of them, especially given how much he had been injured, and even if he had, Baki couldn't have moved that far before Kamiko and her squad had found him, meaning there should have been bodies.

All of which led Kakashi to the conclusion that the enemy shinobi would be back. And now it was just him and three Genin that stood between them and their prize. Hana was far more experienced than her rank let on, as she had forsaken the Chunin exams several times in order to train as a combat medic; and as a result she had also realised Kakashi's concerns even whilst performing the diagnosis jutsu, which is likely the only reason she brought up how quickly she could get Baki on his feet.

"We have a few hours, get him ready to move. With any luck we can be out of here and well on our way to Suna before trouble arrives."

"Right. I'll get to work on his leg straight away. Unless you want to speak with him, I won't bother to wake him up. I can work faster whilst he's asleep." Kakashi could see how reluctant the medic in her was to try to get Baki moving so soon, yet at the same time, the shinobi part of her understanding the need to get moving.

"Let him rest for a while, although I will need to speak with him, soon, to see what information he can give us about what we're up against."

"Understood. I'll work as fast as I can, and let you know if he wakes up." Hana hovered her hands over Baki's leg, green chakra already oozing from her hands, even as she spoke to the Jonin.

Kakashi turned to Naruto and Shikamaru, who had been listening intently to the conversation, and were now aware, to some extent, of the gravity of their situation. "I need you two alert, and ready for anything. Naruto, summon a pair of Kage Bunshin, have them patrol the area that we came from. Shikamaru, and the original Naruto; whilst I want you to stay alert, prepare for an ambush. Figure out possible lines of attack, traps, work out counters, do as much as you can. I'll keep watch, and maybe try and input some ideas if you need them."

He watched as the pair got to work. Two Bunshin appeared next to the blonde, without him having even moved, and immediately got to work; whilst Shikamaru sat down cross-legged, an intense look of concentration on his face, his eyes occasionally darting around, observing their surroundings. It was impressive, to say the least. Many fresh Genin would have crumbled from the pressure in a similar situation, but these two, as well as Hana, didn't even appear phased.

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