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Egbá has been flighty as hell since that day at the pool, and he has been bidding his time. After another failed attempt with Sonia, his Puerto Rican fuck-friend, he has come to the realization that only Egbá has the key to his desire.

It's frustrating, how little she cared about this information when he told her days ago.

He's not desperate. Or at least, he's trying not to be. He's not going to force himself on her. He's going to wait for the right moment, and collect the power back from Egbá. He's not going to let her tie him down or give her little demands. He's going to fuck her the way he knows how to, hard and rough and overpowering, and surely, his senses will return afterwards.

The only reason he has been eager for Egbá is because of the novelty of their sexual play. It's the first time he has ever let a partner have utter control of him. It's time for it to wear out. He needs back in the game where he's the dominant partner, and he makes his partner sweat and love every minute of it.

And today is the right moment he has been waiting for. It's the launch for Cressida, and she accepted to go with him months ago.

He's not going to give her an excuse to reject him, so today, he pays extra attention to his hair and outfit. She likes him in Gieves and Hawkes. He doesn't know why, but he has caught her eyes linger over him anytime he wears the custom-made suits.

So today, he slips into a new charcoal-black suit, taking care with the suspenders and lapels. He even uses his most expensive eau de toilette for the occasion.

He knows Egbá finds him attractive. It's why she accepted to go on all those dates in the past. It's why she fucked him in the first place, then wanted a repeat.

He's a genetic wonder, taking all the best features from his playboy father and beauty pageant mother. His body is a siren's call. His financial power is an aphrodisiac. Yes, Egbá is attracted to him, and she's keeping herself from him for a reason.

He's going to find out what that reason is, and capitalize on that tonight.

He finishes three hours early, and drives down to her place. The London evening breeze is gentle, setting his mind at ease. By the end of this night, he will gain back control of his body. He's certain of it.

He pulls over right outside her door instead of the garage this time, and alights. He rings the bell, and when the mechanical doors don't whir open with their usual alacrity, types in the passcode. He's granted access immediately.

On entrance, he sees the back of Egbá's head thrown back against a settee. Little sounds float to him. At first, he thinks she's touching herself or entertaining another visitor, but he moves closer and sees that she's quite miserable.

Discarded tissues are decorating the cushions, and there's a bucket of vomit next to her. He frowns, uneasy at the sign of her discomfort. "Another nosebleed?"

She jumps, and bleary eyes fly open to look at him. How can she make sick look pretty? How can anyone? "Who buzzed you in?"

She's so out of it. He removes his jacket and places it on another settee. "You gave me your code months ago, remember?"

She frowns, as if trying to understand why she'd do something so idiotic. Then sighs. "I can't go to your party."

He can see that, as well as all his plans for the night, going down the drain. "You want to go to the hospital instead?"

"No need," she mutters. "The worst of it is over."

He moves bloodied tissues away to make room for himself, and takes a seat beside her. "What's wrong?"

Egbá: A Gentle Femdom NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now