New Beginnings

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I walked towards the front door of Damon's house, I still was breathing heavily from running from school. I opened the door and walked in, only to see his mom walking out of the kitchen "Erin, what's wrong?" She asked as I shook my head "Cramps." I told her as I blinked a few times getting rid of the tears as she nodded "I'm sorry, those really suck." She told me as I let out a laugh before walking upstairs. I didn't have the heart to tell her that her son is an asshole. I opened Damon's bedroom door only to smell his cologne. I took a deep inhale, breathing it in before walking over to my bags. I quickly grabbed all of my stuff before walking out of the room when Damon came running up the stairs "Damon, why are you home?" Mrs. Trevors asked as he had tears in his eyes "Erin, please don't go." He practically begged as I went to walk passed him only for him to put his arm in the way "Damon, what's going on?" Mrs. Trevors asked as I looked away from Damon "Please let me explain everything." He begged as I wiped my tears that kept on falling before pushing passed him "Thank you for letting me stay here." I told Mrs. Trevors as she gave me a small smile before I walked towards the front door "Erin please!" He yelled with nothing but hurt in his voice, it made me want to go running back to him and forgive him. I deserved this thinking my life was going to get any better. I should have never given in to being his friend.

|Damon's POV|

My vision was blurry as I ran up the stairs only to see Erin with her bags in hand. "Damon, why are you home?" My mom asked but I ignored her. "Erin, please don't go." I begged, I didn't want to lose her. She went to walk past me but I quickly put my arm in her way, putting my hand against the wall as she looked towards my hand, not bothering to look at me again. "Please, just let me explain everything." I said above a whisper. She wiped the tears that were falling down her face, it hurt to know that I caused that when she pushed past me. I stood there, I didn't move. It felt like my heart was ripped out and crushed "Thank you for letting me stay here." I heard Erin say before I heard the front door, I felt the tears escaping, falling down my face "Erin please!" I yelled when the front door slammed shut. I punched the wall next to me, leaving a hole "Damon!" My mom yelled as I walked away and went into my room slamming the door shut. I couldn't hold it back, I didn't even bother to stop it. I cried as I sat on the floor in my room.

|Erin's POV|

It's been a week since I left Damon's. I immediately went to Sally for help, she opened her door for me and let me stay, but she told me she was selling her business and moving into a nursing home since she couldn't take care of herself anymore. I also haven't been to practice in a week, for school I also haven't been there. I told the school I wasn't feeling good with the stomach flu. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Sally as she nodded "All that's left is the bed and couch." The guy told her as she nodded "I'll take care of if." I told them as the guy nodded "You better hurry up and get dressed before you miss your fight." She told me as I gave her a small smile "I haven't been in there in a week." I told her as she sighed "You'll do great!" She smiled as I smiled back "You should come see the fight." I told her as she snorted "Honey, you will never catch me in there ever." She smiled as I laughed "Vanessa," Sally called out, Vanessa is her granddaughter who has been helping Sally with her stuff "Grandma." Vanessa smiled as sally rolled her eyes smiling "Why don't you go with to Erin's fight." She told her as Vanessa nodded her head "You don't have to." I told her as Vanessa shook her head "No, I want to." She smiled as I smiled back and nodded "Let me just go grab my phone upstairs." Vanessa turned on her heel and quickly ran upstairs "Erin," sally started as I hummed in response "Why don't you go see him?" She asked as I felt my heart drop into my stomach "I-I can't." I told her as she shook her head "If you don't tell him you love him, I will." She told me as I furrowed my eyebrows, realizing she was right. I do love him, but he lied to me and it was fake. "Just because I have feelings for him doesn't mean he has feelings for me." I told her as she sighed in frustration as I walked away and quickly grabbed my bag that was on the floor next to the couch "I know I told you girls that I was selling this house, but the truth is. I was going to give it to Vanessa. She is 19 now and deserves a house, but I also put Erin down." Sally told us as I gasped "Oh my god Sally." I smiled and pulled her into a hug as Vanessa hugged her from the other side. "I couldn't leave you out there with that abusive father, and this way you girls are all set for 4 months, I will continue paying but you guys have to pay rent." She told us as we both squealed in excitement.

Vanessa parked the car and we quickly got out as I threw my bag over my shoulder and we made our way inside "So are there any sexy guys?" She asked as I laughed and nodded as she laughed "I feel like we're going to be best friends." She told me as I smiled "Good, I've been dying for a best friend." I mentioned as she laughed "Hey what about me?" Cole asked as I turned around to see the whole crew minus one. "Cole!" I yelled as I hugged him before hugging Mark, Jared and Joey. "Vanessa, this is Jared, Cole, Mark and my uncle Joey." I told her as I turned towards them "Guys this is my new best friend Vanessa." I smiled at them as they nodded "You're up soon, Cole showed Vanessa the front row seat with us." Vanessa smirked towards Cold as they walked away with Jared and Mark. "He's been a mess." Joey told me over the loud crowd as I fixed my bag on my shoulder before walking away from him and towards the back room. "Are you excited for tonight?" Joey asked as I nodded "Now listen, here's the deal..."

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