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My Dad died when I was 13 years old. I was of course heartbroken. Me and my dad were close. He was a good guy, he was my best friend for a good bit of my life. And he taught me something that to this day I live by. Family comes first.

That was that. Family comes before everything. But my brothers, with the exception of Jace and Nolan, have all seemed to have forgotten that. Because lately, they've been putting their own egos and agendas before our family. Before our sister, really. They act like nothing's wrong. They ignore her feelings and push her aside. I'd like to think they do it without meaning too, but that may be giving them too much credit.

The air was thick once again at the dinner table. No one was saying anything. All of our eyes kept drifting to Izzy who was mindlessly poking at her food. I often wonder what goes on inside that little head of hers. She always seems to be thinking. She always seems to be lost in herself. I would kill just to get a glimpse of what she was thinking. Just to understand her a little better. If only she'd let me.

"Izzy, if you're not hungry it's okay. I know you've had a long day." Tyler said, looking at her with those soft eyes that I was more used to from my oldest brother. I knew he felt badly about all that happened while we were in Georgia. He never intended to make her feel like that. He's a good guy for the most part, if a little temperamental at times. But that doesn't make what he did okay. None of it was okay. And no bullshit apology that was practically forced by me is going to fix that.

She looked up at him slowly, with those big, sad green eyes. "Okay." She practically whispered. She put her fork down and leaned back in her chair. It killed me to see a kid seem broken. Izzy's so young, and I can only imagine all that she's gone through. The thought has brought me to tears more than once. That we let Regina take her so easily, right out from under our noses and put that kid though god knows what. I see the way she shrinks when things get loud. The way she lies when someone asks if she's okay. The way she flinches without even realizing it when someone gets too close to touching her. It's heartbreaking.

I caught Emma smiling gently at Izzy from where she sat beside me. Em had told us what happened upstairs. Not to gossip, but because she was worried, like any good sister would be. I'll admit, it did make me think that Emma had really turned a corner when it came to our sister. It was rough in the beginning, but maybe things were starting to look up, at least for the two of them. But maybe not for all the others.

Liam cleared his throat, making us all look at him. He had been a real dick lately. He was never much good at admitting when he was wrong, and it seems to me that he knows that Emma had messed up but won't admit that he shouldn't have backed her, so he's doubled down and replaced all his guilt with anger. "So Izzy," I already wanted to sock him in the mouth. And I would've too if Emma and Izzy weren't in the room. No reason to scare them. But I could sense that Liam was about to give me more than enough reason. "Emma told us about your breakdown upstairs and Nolan told us about your breakdown in the car. Wanna tell us what's going on?"

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