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"Alright guys, I have a list," Jin said, standing up from the love seat he shared with Yoongi.

"A list?" Jimin asked, earning a half assed glare in response.

"Yes, Jimin, a list." Really it was just a note on his phone, but Taehyung wasn't one to judge.

"It's about one o'clock right now, so it's about time we got lunch, no?" Every one nodded in agreement, Taehyung was pretty hungry...

"Well thankfully, I came early and stocked the fridges," he paused, "you're welcome." Taehyung mumbled a tired 'thanks' along with everyone else. After driving all morning, stressing out over JK, and unpacking his belongings, Taehyung figured he could use a good meal to boost his energy.

"For lunch I figured we could grill meat and I already have some side dishes prepared so that should be easy, and after lunch, I have a fun activity planned!" He looked excited, full of energy, Taehyung felt sad for him.

"Seokjin Hyung, you know my energy levels are normally up to here," Taehyung started, raising his tired hand to about forehead level, accidentally elbowing Hoseok's face in the process, "But right now I'm about here," he said, dropping his hand onto his lap. "Unless you say the fun activity is a fat nap, I'm going to have to kindly decline." Everyone hummed in agreement, besides Hoseok who sat next to him.

"Come on guys! We only have three days here! Let's do what Jin has planned, I'm sure it'll be fun!"

"Babe," Namjoon started from across the room, "Please be quiet."

Taehyung could only imagine Hobi looked like a kicked puppy right about now, but he was too busy fighting off sleep to look, and instead flopped his head onto the older's shoulder.

Jin sighed while taking in their tired states. "Okay, fine. We'll take a one hour nap first. Then, I have a game planned."

Taehyung figured the silence was taken as agreement as his eyes finally slid shut, little did he know, four other boys were doing the exact same thing.


"Jin," Hobi whispered, petting Taehyung's head softly, "I think maybe we should just do it, they seem pretty worn out."

Taehyung faintly registered a sigh before Hobi was lifting himself off the couch, not bothering to move Taehyung to the other side before he could flop over onto something cozier.

good night to you, too, Taehyung thought.


Taehyung groggily opened his eyes at the smell of food and the shouts of Seokjin. Stretching from his place on the couch, he lazily fumbled to find his phone, picking it up to read the time, 2 o'clock. Taehyung figured that was a long enough nap.

Begrudgingly sitting up, he ran a hand through his hair and wiped at his eyes, hoping it would wake him up more. Taking in his surrounding, he saw that Yoongi was still asleep on the loveseat and JK was sitting next to him on his phone...

JK was sitting next to him...

JK was sitting right next to him...

Taehyung desperately looked for this pillow he had just fallen asleep on, gaining JK's attention in the process, and when he couldn't find it, he lifted a hand to cover his mouth in sheer, utter embarrassment. Slowly looking at JK, Taehyung brought his hand down, chewing on his bottom lip. "I am so sorry," he whispered, cheeks getting red. "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. Or use you as a pillow. I'm so sorry."

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