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Chapter two:

The next few days are… weird for Klaus. 

He tries to not think about Zero. About pretty grey eyes and fluffy black hair. About freckled cheeks and a soft voice accompanied by biting words. He avoids going back to the diner.

It’s hard.

Especially when Rebekah somehow always manages to mumble something about him in her annoyingly sly voice.

“Don’t you think this would look cute on Zero?” She asks almost innocently one day. She shoves something into his hands and Klaus scowls. It’s a heart shaped choker. It’s a dusty shade of pink and Klaus tries not to imagine it around Zero’s pale neck and how good he would look in it. He eyes it for a few seconds too long and then angrily shoves the choker back onto the stand. 

“Zero seems like the type,” Rebekah muses a few hours later, smiling as she holds out a teddy bear towards Klaus. Scowling, Klaus tries not to imagine Zero cuddling up to a stuffie and fails miserably.

“Imagine him sitting in your lap,” Rebekah says around a mouthful of crisps the very next day, blue eyes glued to the TV in front of her. Klaus tries not to imagine Zero sparawled in his lap, grey eyes looking up at him innocently and-

Klaus smacks the crisp packet straight out of Rebekah’s hands.

Because she hadn’t even said Zero’s name and Klaus’s mind had gone straight to him.

There was something terribly wrong with him. And Klaus just knew it.

It’s gets worse the longer he stays away from the diner. His chest starts to randomly ache throughout the day, his fingers always twitch and there’s this dull, burning ache around his dead heart. Almost like it’s trying to come back alive. Klaus doesn’t like it.

At all.

And then, on the fourth day of of trying to ignore everything Zero related, Klaus’s non existent feelings for the black haired male get crushed.

The mist is heavy over Mystic Falls and the wind is cold and biting. He shuffles his way down one of the main roads, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket and cyan coloured eyes lazily taking in his surroundings. The streets around the Mystic Grill are busy. Rebekah walks beside him, humming some new hit song underneath her breath and cutting herself off every few seconds to mumble curse words at those who bump into her.

“Hey,” Rebekah wraps her slim fingers around Klaus’s elbow to stop him from walking, “isn’t that Zero?” She asks, quirking up a brow and nodding her head towards the direction in front of her. 

Klaus instantly follows her gaze.

He sees Zero. 

And Zero sees him.

There’s a moment of utter silence in Klaus’s mind, where everything but Zero is fuzzy - a weird sort of blur. The burning ache in his chest isn’t there, but the sudden feeling of wanting to touch and claim and make his is. 

And then it’s broken.

Zero’s grey eyes widen, panic flashing across his face as he pulls his hood over his head and shoves his hands deep into the pockets of his black hoodie. Klaus catches the words “not today, satan” tumbling out of his lips before the male darts across to the other side of the street and ducks into an alley way.

It’s as good as getting rejected. 

The intense burning sensation around his heart tells him so.

Later he sprawls himself across his bed, turns on his side and presses his face into Rebekah’s waist. He wraps his arms around her and sighs deeply.  Rebekah snorts, petting his hair like one would pet a dogs fur. She’s using his room to watch one of her beloved sitcoms, Kol is using the main one downstairs and she had broken hers during her tousle with Finn. 

Elijah had caught them on the floor with Rebekah’s arms wrapped tightly around Finn’s throat - Finn had been trying to crawl away from the female, one hand outstretched dramatically and apologies flying out of his mouth. 

“I didn’t mean to-“

“You broke my favourite bottle of foundation-“

“Enough you two, get off the floor, Rebekah stop that,” Elijah had cut them both of rather smoothly.

Grumbling, Klaus presses his nose further into Rebekah’s side and inhales deeply. She smells like makeup and overpriced perfume, but also oddly like blueberries. Frowning, Klaus inhales her scent once more.

He hadn’t noticed that ever before. 

“You know,” Rebekah starts as she pulls her hand away from his hair, “I’ve never really seen you as the moping type.”

“I’m not moping.” Klaus muffles into her waist defensively.

“Oh really?” Rebekah mocks. “Who was it that ate all my breakup ice cream again? It was expensive, Nik.”

“I’ll buy some more,” Klaus grumbles.

“For me or for yourself?” Rebekah mutters lowly, lips dipping into a frown.

Klaus doesn’t answer her. Instead, “shut up,” her tells her after a moment of him being too quiet. He then nudges her hand towards his sandy blonde hair and grumbles out a quiet, “pet me.” 

Rebekah indulges him, but only after she lists off all the brands of ice cream that she can think of. 


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