Chapter 10

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An image of Raygen's outfit above.

Crystal’s POV 

I woke up startled, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. The dream was weird,it seemed so realistic. ‘I saw my eyes glowing while talking to Jay, and a scene where Antonio and some other girl were calling me Princess.’ The strangest part, I don’t recall coming back from college, but here I am sitting in my pajamas. 

“You awake honey?” Gabrielle asked, peeking into my room. 

“Hmm. Do you need something?” I inquired in return. 

“Well, Jay is waiting downstairs to drive you to college. I just came to wake you up.” She said.

“Um, Gabrielle, how did I get home yesterday?” I quizzed her.

“Huh? You don’t recall?”

“Not precisely, I only recall meeting Jay in the cafeteria.”

“Well, Jay brought you home, and you were sound asleep, I requested him to carry you upstairs.”

“Oh, and…” I trailed, looking at my pajamas. 

“I changed your clothes.” She replied, catching the train of my thoughts. 

I nodded at her, trying to put the pieces into place, but something was amiss. Gabrielle left before giving me a small grin and a reminder to hurry. I thought of asking Jay about yesterday’s events. Maybe then everything would make sense. Performing my morning routine, I made my course downstairs. Jay and Gabrielle were discussing something but stopped after noticing my presence. 

“Good morning Crystal.” Jay greeted.

“Good dawn.” I replied with a smile.

“You ready?” Jay seemed uncomfortable. He was fumbling with his keys and avoiding eye contact with me.

I nodded in response. “Great, Let’s go then.” He replied in a high-pitched voice.

Pouting at his strange behaviour, I bid farewell to Gabrielle and joined Jay in his car. The ride to campus was silent. I had tried starting a conversation, but Jay blasted the radio so loud, stating he didn’t want to speak. Arriving at the campus, Jay at once took off on his own without even a goodbye.

 Wondering about this sudden behaviour of his, I carried out my way to class. I haven’t even wrapped my head around the strange dream, and Jay’s changed behaviour wasn’t helping either. The bell rang, signaling the start of classes as the professor came in. The professor continued on about some techniques on sugar crafting, but I didn’t pay attention to any of it. My mind swirling with thoughts about Jay and the dream. I wanted to confront Jay after class. Now the only problem is how to locate his sorry ass on this vast campus.

I stormed out of the class as soon as the teacher left; it seemed my seat was on fire. ‘ People might question my sanity, but I need to meet Jay. ’ Considering where to find him, I started my way to the music room in hopes for my assumption to be correct. 

A soft string of music invaded my senses as I neared the music room, entering I saw a girl playing the piano crashing my hopes of finding Jay. I was about to leave to continue my search when something about the girl’s appearance caught my attention - when it clicked in my brain that I had seen her in my dream. She was the same girl who had called me Princess. 

Intrigued, I approached her. She might have sensed my presence because she stopped playing and turned to look around. A look of recognition and happiness crossed her features for a millisecond before she masked it with a look of confusion. 

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