14. Jeonlous

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'Hyung I dont think I can ever get over my feelings for him...I see him everyday,talk with him,he actually doesn't ignore me now...infact he is really caring towards me....and that's not helping at all...'jimin sighed as he lay next to hoseok in their room after practice...
'Jiminah I am sorry to say this to you but...I don't think he sees you more than a friend...maybe he even sees you as his broth-'
'Pls don't say that hyung....' jimin said eyes getting glassy
Hobi sighed 'I know it hurts but not saying it doesn't make it not true jiminah...in fact I am damn sure that the kid has not even completely understood his sexuality till now..'
'I think you should just keep going in this pace...try to focus on work and don't think about it...I am happy to help anytime..'hobi looked at jimin and smiled kindly
Jimin snuggled into his chest and breathed a sad sigh...deep down he knew hobi was right...he had to stop hoping and just be happy with jungkook being friendly with him again
'Are u going to confront him about how he called you boring and hurt your feelings?' Hobi asked worriedly,he didn't want the moral of the group to take a dip because of a confrontation
'No...I think its best if I forget it..I don't want to make him feel bad' jimin replied
Hobi hugged him closer
'Hobi hyung?...'
'Can I sleep with you today...plss...'
Hobi smiled 'of course jimine'


'Ohh I really want to eat something' jungkook said as he searched the fridge of their dorm at night..he has a growing boy..... of course he was hungry, who could blame him!
He had always eaten snacks before going to bed and just couldn't sleep without eating them now....
He smiled as he pulled out some oreos and milk...his favorite (the managers knew how to look after the maknae and what he liked).
'Oh I should give it to jimin hyung...it's the only way I can eat...' jungkook sighed he definitely hated sharing his cookies...
But he did swear.. so he had to do it. Plus he felt happy because he helped jimin get back to normal health so he didn't mind sharing his precious oreos! It was for good cause..
He made his way upto hobis and jimins room
'Jimin hyung here! have som-' he stopped mid sentence at the sight before him as he opened the door,
Jimin was snuggled close to hoseok..his head rested on his chest as they both slept peacefully.
Hobis arms circled jimins waist holding him safe in his embrace...
Jungkook also noticed how jimins shirt had rolled up while sleeping...making hobis hands come in contact with his pale waist...
Suddenly jungkook wasn't hungry anymore..he was pissed! He didn't even bother to close the door as he stormed to his room...the mental picture making him hurt and angry for some reason he himself didn't know.
As he reached his room he closed the door and tried to calm down...
Bts were very close to one another.and it was not the first time he has seen hobi and jimin hugging
But he still didn't like what he saw...jimins face soo close to hoseoks chest ,his cute cheeks squishing against it making him look adorable...(how outrageous! According to jungkook)
How their bodies pressed closely to one another
How hoseok was holding jimins waist! Touching his smooth pale skin...
He hated how cozy they looked! He wanted to pull them away and hold jimin in his arms...
'He is just a clingy guy! Just keeps on irritating people! First he was always annoying me now he is annoying hobi hyung!' Arghhh he screamed into a pillow!
'he doesn't deserve your care! Or you starving for him! Look at him...he is holding hobi and cuddling with him to sleep now completely forgetting about you....' his ego told him
'He can cuddle who ever he wants ! He is not mine or anything...and I most definitely don't want him to me mine' jungkook talked to himself 'why should I care!'
'But why is it making me sad and angry...' he thought again
He closed his eyes and the image of his band mates cuddling again came to his mind
He huffed in annoyance 'Aish!!! This park jimin is messing with my head!'
Jungkook is done! Done fasting for him and caring for him.
'What ever!' He thought 'he can eat if he wants..i don't have to care!'
He was irritated 'why am I like this!' He whined, As he turned over trying to sleep.
The oreos lay forgotten...


'Ahh!!' Jimin moaned as he straddled jungkooks lap,with jungkook sucking wet hot kisses on his neck and collar bone..licking his adams apple..
Jimin tugged jungkooks black locks with his cubby fingers overwhelmed by the sensations the maknae was making him feel..
'Aw..kookie oh god! Oh kookie!! Oh that feels good!" Jimin whimpered as jungkook kissed and licked the shell of his ear...
Jungkook held his small waist securely...slowly his hands made way to his think thighs ,squeezing them
" hh jungkookie!! More!" Angelic moans left jimins lips 'Please kiss me kookie!'
'Say you are mine!' Jungkook growled
'Say you will only let me hold you! Noone else can hold you like I do!" He said near jimins ear sucking on it again and pulling back leaving a string of saliva behind.
'Only yours...only you can hold me like this....ahhh!!' He moaned as jungkook hand moved to his ass..

Jungkook woke up in a puddle of sweat.
'WHAT WAS THAT!' He screamed as he remembered the dream he just had.
He looked down at his boner 'FUCK!'

Feeling super uncomfortable writing the part.... but well


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