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Taehyung felt giddy seeing the adorable bunny's sleeping face. He woke up a while ago, to see himself being held tightly by two arms. His head was buried in a well-built(clothed) chest, which was somehow soft for him to rub his cheeks there. He lifted his head a little to take a look at the bunny beside him. He unconsciously smiled, recalling last night's events. 

He felt his cheeks heating up when he recalled the way Jungkook confessed to him and asked him to date him. He brought his fingers upto the other's face, caressing the high cheekbones of the latter softly. He almost shrieked when he was pulled closer to the other, such that his face was inches away from the other. 

Slowly, the older opened his eyes. He blew some air to the other's face

" I would be very happy if i were to get up every morning to the sight of your beautiful face this close to me"

The younger whined, trying to hide his pink cheeks, but was held more tightly by the older.

Jungkook chuckled, touching the other's pink cheeks. He wasn't lying when he said that he would be glad to see his angel's face, as the first thing in the morning. He was really happy that he was given a chance to prove his feelings for the other. He was determined to make Taehyung happy and.... and his boyfriend. 

Taehyung bit his lips when he was stared intensely by the other. Without thinking, he pecked the other's lips, just the touch of the lips to lips. This left the older offguard. Taehyung took this opportunity to escape from the grip on his waist and in the next moment he was infront of Jimin's room, which was upstairs. 

"Jimi------" A loud squeal was heard and then a loud thud of the door slamming. 

"What's wrong Tae?" Jungkook asked from behind, who ran there as fast as he can after hearing the scream from the other. But Taehyung didn't respond to him. He was still covering his mouth with his palm. 

"Tae? Are you okay?" Jungkook shook the other, who seemed to be in a daze. Just then, the door opened, with a nervous looking Jimin and an awkwardly smiling Hoseok. 

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at them, but didn't question as he was worried about his baby. Jimin came forward and smiled at Taehyung awkwardly. He was about to say something, when Jin and Namjoon went towards them, both looking fresh unlike the rest. 

Right now, all of them were in the living room. Jimin and Hoseok were seated at one couch, Yoongi, Taehyung and Namjoon were on the other couch, Jin and Jungkook sat on two chairs, which they brought from the other room, since they didn't want to sit on the floor while having an important discussion.

Everyone was quiet. Nobody knew what happened except Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung. Jungkook was worried sick about Taehyung earlier, thinking he might be having a breakdown or something, so he took him to freshen up and told the others to be in the living room to talk about what happened. Yoongi was heavy sleeper, who was sleeping alone in one room but Jin managed to wake him up and bring him to the meeting.

"So, is anyone going to speak what happened?" Spoke Yoongi who was bored by the silence, which didn't seem to go away since he sat there.

"We don't know about anything, the only people who know are these four" Namjoon pointed at  Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung. 

"I don't know anything. I went there because i heard Tae screaming, when he was infront of Jimin's room. "

All eyes turned to Taehyung after hearing Jungkook's words. 

"Why did you scream Tae?" Jin asked, with utmost concern. 

"I went to J-jimin hyung's room and w-when i opened the d-door.." He looked over to the duo which were sitting opposite to them. He bit his lips and fidgeted with his fingers, not knowing how to tell the others.

"Did you catch Jimin masturbating?" Asked Jin which earned a smack on his head with a pillow by Jungkook. He looked at him to find him glaring a him.

"What? It might be true" He shrugged.

"Don't be stupid" Jungkook shot him a look.

"What does stupidity have to do with this? And btw i am not stupid"

"You are. Do you think Jimin will masturbate while keeping his door unlocked and for God's sake, he won't do it in the presence of Hoseok"

"Oh, i forgot Hoseok was there too" Jin giggled at his own forgetfullness.

"You guys are idiots. Just tell us what happened that left Tae screaming in the early morning, Jimin"

Before Jimin could reply to Yoongi's words, Taehyung said the thing, which left everyone speechless.

"I saw Hobi's dick in Jimin hyung's mouth"

They didn't even get a moment to overcome one shock, when Hoseok gave them another shock.

"Guys, me and Jimin are dating, since last night"


It was a little (difficult?) to write the last third line you know. Well, maybe because i am a newbie, i guess. But i have read much more than that. Reading those is easy, but writing(for me) its a little difficult. But i will get used to it. Don't think i am kid or anything ok. Its just my first time writing something like this. 

But aren't you happy today? Ofcourse everyone will be happy. Today is the birthday of our hope, our sunshine. 

Happy birthday to the sunshine of BTS, Jung Hoseok. I love you sooooooooo much🧡🧡🧡

 I love you sooooooooo much🧡🧡🧡

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He is really the sunshine(❁'◡'❁)

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He is really the sunshine(❁'◡'❁)

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