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Thank you for the support guys!! If you have any suggestions or criticisms let me know pls because I'm always looking to improve my work :) Hope you're liking the frequent updates too. I'm gonna try to make every chapter at least a lil bit juicy haha. Enjoy!!


Nerves were eating me up as I entered the cafeteria for breakfast. It was inevitable that I had to face Levi today after the incredibly awkward encounter of the previous night, if you could even call it that. I literally walked in on him having sex and that was not something I wanted to deal with at this point.

I was the last to breakfast, taking extra long in the morning to avoid the man as much as I could. After last night, I had a lot of explaining to do to many people. I really did not know if meeting Eren and doing what we did had been a good idea, but I was pretty certain that everything would be fine between us if the relationship stayed platonic. We could be fuck buddies who were nothing but friends and, that way, things would not get complicated.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Eren smirked as soon as he saw me. Since I was the last to arrive, when I walked up to my usual table I realised that my seat had been taken; it seemed as though the boys had invited one of their friends who I did not know as well over.

"Good morning to you too," I rolled my eyes at the comment. I turned around to grab an extra chair from the other side of the room but stopped in my tracks as I glanced at the door and noticed none other than Captain Levi walk in, clearly having the same idea as me to arrive late.

Without much thought, which seemed to be a theme for my actions recently, I spun back around and sat myself down on Eren's lap which was easy since he was on the edge of the table. He and a few others were quite surprised by these actions, especially Jean who sat directly opposite and gave me a look that insinuated I was crazy.

"Does this mean we're dating now or...?" Whispered Eren in my ear, his long hair brushing against my neck and tickling it. There was a reason I told him to get a damn haircut.

"Not at all," I giggled, my eyes following Captain Levi as he walked across the room, seeing him glance over and release a visible short sigh before looking away, which was the exact reaction I was hoping for. I just wanted to make him jealous, the same as I felt the previous night when I saw him with that girl. 

"Thought so," Eren murmured and I felt a tinge of guilt, but it quickly disappeared when I realised that there was no sadness in his voice. "Don't want anything serious anyway; humanity's only hope has no time for girls."

I shook my head and lightly hit his chest, "Don't be so full of yourself! And don't forget, Armin is in the same boat as you now."

"I know, you don't have to remind me," Eren said, and I turned my head to look into his deep blue eyes, then his voice turned quiet again as he spoke in an enticing voice. "Last night was fun though, let's do it again some time and don't disappear so quickly."

"Yeah, maybe," was all I said, although his lap really was a comfortable seat. Eren was so much taller than me and actually pleasant to be around, but there was no instant spark there that drew me to him, unlike what I had with Levi during our first real conversation. Maybe being friends with benefits with Eren was not such a bad idea though because then I could sit on his lap whenever I wanted without having to worry about stupid older men who got off on being pricks.

Jean noticed the look on my face and gazed down my line of sight to realise that I had been staring at the back of the captain's head again. He looked as confused as ever and mouthed the words 'what's going on', pointedly looking between Levi, Eren and I, but I waved my hand as to signify that I would explain later and, oh boy, did I have a lot to tell him.

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