☆ Varigo Basics ☆

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Hey fellow Stars!

This installment I'll clear you up on some of the most common asked questions in the groundwork of Varigo for you; along with answering your own!

Q: what is Varigo?
A: to say this in the least fangirl way possible, Varigo is a fanon ship between Varian, from TTS/RTA, and Hugo from the spin-off idea 'Varian and the 7 kingdoms'
It is mostly thought of a cute rivalry ship much like klance- (don't worry, no toxicity over here tho!)

Q: what is Varian and the 7 Kingdoms? And why can't I watch it?
A: 'Varian and the 7 Kingdoms' was a spin-off idea created by Disney storyboard artists Anna and Kait (Kritter). Sadly, It was never accepted by Disney tho', so they shared their notes and drawings of the world they created with us, for the fans to take over!

Q: why didn't Disney greenlight Varian and the 7 Kingdoms?
A: that's a tricky question with no definitive answer besides this; Disney didn't want to create a spin-off for tangled if Rapunzel wasn't even going to be in it. They felt it missed the point of the whole Tangled universe and that no one would want to watch a series set in that world without her.
They did like Anna and Kait's idea tho' and proposed a separate original series with their concept; but the artists didn't want that so they declined the offer. They created that world and concept for Varian, so they thought it best to keep it that way.
Which I'm glad they did, otherwise I wouldn't know anything about Varigo!

Q: do the creators ship Varigo?
A: if my sources of information are correct, I believe they or at least one of them did and intended Varigo.

Q: who's Hugo then? And what is he like?
A: that is up usually to interpretation, but it is shown in Kait's art that Hugo is a smug and talented thief that also specializes in alchemy who worked for a woman named Donella. Hugo spied on the group and liked giving others a hard time (mostly Varian it seems), he's also flexible and streetsmart and just, cool.

Q: what's the plot for Varian and the 7 Kingdoms?
A: basically the whole story drives off of now 18 year old Varian discovering Ulla's, his long lost mother's, journal, which contains information of the fabled Eternal Library. At a point in his life where Varian doesn't feel like he's where he's supposed to be, He then sets off to find the library; which in the book says in order to do so, tells he must face seven trials, one in each kingdom. After he completes a trial he will be able to retrieve a totem, which will help him unlock the library.
Each trial is more dangerous and puzzling then the last tho' and requires a vast amount of knowledge to pass. Not only that, but each kingdom specializes in a special alchemy art or science.
Gaining and meeting new friends throughout his journey, Varian makes his way through every trial, testing his head, heart and mind.
Hugo, also undergoes a journey in himself as well in the story, maybe just as much as Varian and if not at the very least a bit more then Yong and Nuru. Yong being a sweet 12 year old kid with dangerous fireworks and Nuru a 16 year old princess suffering from annual meteorite showers.
Going from spy and thief, Hugo reverts to Varian's side right before the end, leaving Donella, the closest thing to a parental figure for Hugo, behind and fully gaining trust between him and Varian.
But as they get to the library which is located in Corona, Donella reveals Hugo's past intentions which causes Varian to keep himself in the library where he meets his mother.
Since Donella cant go in, Ulla is cursed to never leave and possesses Varian's body; Hugo helps save the day tho' and in the end everything is turned right. Nuru and Yong have the knowledge they need along with friendship, and Hugo learns what's truly important while Varian finds himself after his long journey while keeping the doors open for anyone to learn what the library has to give. Essentially becoming the next Demanitus himself.
There's a lot of details, but this is the main idea-

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